Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

CW's Arrow ? ----> Yes, please.

First:  I'm a total Arrow junkie. I'm having withdraws waiting for it every week. (Curse you, Netflix for giving me an entire season with no wait!)

Second: I never had an interest in this show until last week...(and I'm not proud to admit that I watched all 23 episodes from season 1, and the first 3 of season 2 already.) I only watched it in the first place is because I was watching "Revenge," when the new guy kept bothering me...I couldn't figure out what I watched him in before...and then it dawned on me...'waaaaa' moment....He's the Green Arrow...no he's not, that show is still on...So, I really didn't care all that much, but just so happens that while I'm trying to find a new episode of Pingu on Netflix for K I see Arrow on there....ok, I'll check it out. I watch the first few minutes, and I'll be darn I was right when I thought I was wrong. (Actually, I was sort-of right, because he was in fact Oliver Queen/Green Arrow on Smallville....booo-yeah!) - But, those few minutes I watched got me hooked.

So, If you're looking for a new favorite show...(Revenge has lost a lot of steam, darn.) - This could very well be it. Just saying....you should check it out. =P But, you've been warned, so no blaming me if you become an Arrow junkie, too.

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