We did recently have my family over to watch the Colts game September 24th and I just got the pictures uploaded! So go here to see them!

Yeah, those are our middle neices! So annoy...adorable...but we love them that much more! ray-ray's reading her new book and Ashley is just being plain cute. We love these girls so much and wish we could see them more often---speed team meets should be starting soon so we'll go see them then.
Here's all the food we made for everyone coming over, of course, we planned for 11 people, but then Shane had family in town and Kristina's friend ended up not coming, (though he never said he was going too) so we made a little too much food!

I'll have pictures from Grandmas Birthday once Kristina emails them to me--- so email them to me kris! Thanks!
They're coming I just got hooked back up!