Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Water Play Date

The kiddos always have such a great time at this things, and Katelyn got such a kick out of wearing Liam's flip flops...hilarious!

You can't really tell, but she has liquid sidewalk chalk all over her face and chest.

The shaving cream pad was a huge hit! So much so, that I went to buy more for Katelyn to play in it at home. Here she is trying to keep her balance, and then when she got the hang of walking on it she started trying to slide down into the splits.

Indiana Beach

We met up with Grammy and Grandpa, and the whole Davis gang at IB...and we got to utilize the awesome wagon that LeeAnn/Melissa/Kevin gave us last weekend. =)

Now they both have their hands up! Who's driving this thing!?!

Monday, August 26, 2013

My 29th Bday

Chris spent most of it in a meeting while Katelyn and I hung out at the hotel...then later we went to the Zoo for a quick stroll through. Katelyn loves tigers, she was soo excited when the tiger walked out from the cave.


Katelyn correctly identified the tiger, zebra, snake, and Gorilla.

This girl mimics everything these days. So much fun to watch her make 'friends' with this thing. ;)

Sunday, August 25, 2013

So Studious...

I'm not totally sure which one I think is cuter.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Friday, August 23, 2013

My baby is growing up!

Every morning she butters/jams/creams her own toast. This morning (8/20) she even insisted on having the toaster on her "stove" and doing everything herself.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Family Reunion

(Ok, this is at my parent's house the morning of.)

After swimming Grandma dried her hair before bed.

Checking out! Who doesn't want to jump on one of these when you see it?

Badminton cheerleader for Grandpa and Makenna.  

Lunch is always SO goo-oo-ooo-d!

Finally, zonked out during the auction.

U-Pick Play Date

Gal Pal, Grace, joined us for a Raspberry picking morning at the U-Pick. I think we got nearly 2 pounds...and two juicy fresh peaches we picked up on our wagon ride. ;p

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Paper Mache: Work in Progress

It's taking us some time to get back to this project, but when we finish I'll post the result. She loved, loved, loved getting the mixture all over her...needless to say we both ended up changing clothes and taking showers... but it was fun.

Bird Feeder

I saw this birdfeeder made from a tin can, and decided it could be a fun craft project. I haven't put it outside yet, but maybe we'll do that sometime this week.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Nature Center Play

Little shy girl today! She had sooo much fun at the nature center's "Stroller, Baby, and You" event. They sung and danced, took a nature walk to learn about water bird sounds, and played fun games. She even got to decorate the beautiful hat...but the stickers didn't even last till she got home (she ripped them off in the car...and later we decorated it with markers.)     =)

I bought her a bucket and three of those squishy balls to play this toss game at home. Like everything else, it entertains for about 5-8 minutes, but she has such a blast when she plays.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Learning Game: Drop Zone

I found this "pom-pom drop" game that a lady made on another blog, and thought it seems simple enough...and sure enough, it was! Katelyn decorated the base for me, and then I did the rest after she went to sleep.

I called this one, "The Drop Zone" and figure it can be used for more than just a game to spend a few minutes, or even just a color matching game. I made the tubes different sizes to help her distinguish tall vs short, and I put the tubes on with those envelope clasp doo-hickeys...so she can also see how the ball falls at different angles when she turns the tube.
It is just some card stock, colored on with markers, and decorated with stickers, and then toilet paper rolls (2) cut to different sizes and colored, then attached with clasps, and hung to the window.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Popsicle Time

Quality time with daddy in the evening making Strawberry & Cream popsicles for the week.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Baking Cupcakes

Katelyn loves the Melissa & Doug cupcake set that Aunt M got her for her birthday last year. I heard her playing out there, and then she went silent, so I peeked in the kitchen- and she is on her knees in front of her play stove just watching her cupcakes bake. It was the cutest thing. She even had the play oven mitt on!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Hardworking Artist

Back at work on her latest masterpiece.
 "Hey, no photography, please."

I love how she has the crazy artist hair thing going on, too...although, I'm not sure what's up with that diaper. (And I really love the double hand painting technique.)

Friday, August 09, 2013

New Camera Bag

I picked up this cute thing for $1.99! It's perfect for my camera, and I got a matching insulated drinking cup for the same price! This thing makes me happy, because every time I look at it I think of being in London. =)

Thursday, August 08, 2013

Playdate: Craft Day

At G-man's house painting sand buckets!

And then they painted sifters made from milk cartons.

Beckie made watermelon pops, and Katelyn couldn't eat it fast enough.

Water-Play while the buckets dry. Food coloring and water makes it so much more fun.

Katelyn had to try her new sifter as soon as we got home! She didn't want to wash up.

And daddy ran away from her painted body when he got home from work!
And, alas, the final bucket after it's dry, but before the mod-podge.

Masterful, right?