Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Blog Updates
So, I just removed the cooking and other blogs from the list. I will put them back up later, I need my cereal now. =) You will see that I added my friend Amber's Blog "With All Things Considered...." It is just her site to share her opinion on different parenting topics. While I feel different about some things she talks about (although I've never had the actual parenting part to deal with yet), she is by far one of the most knowledgeable mommies I know. She doesn't just deal with issues.... she researches them and always puts her children first. I think she's amazing, and I'm glad she's sharing her thoughts.
Last weeks DR Appt
Last week was a pretty easy DR appointment. After the ultra sound, he mentioned no concerns over fluid or size - but still breech. We went ahead and scheduled her delivery around the due date time just in case she does not turn (or decide to come) by then. He said it appears "we have a healthy mom and a healthy full-term baby". He also said we could schedule delivery whenever we wanted from this point on since she is full-term - but as I said, we kept it near the due date (6th)- hoping she'll turn by the time she comes.
Next Appt. is Tuesday.
Next Appt. is Tuesday.
Thursday, September 08, 2011
Another Doctor Update
BP = good. Weight gain = good. Heart rate= 160, good. Fundal Measurement = short.
He couldn't tell by touch if she has flipped around or not, so I know we're checking that at the ultra sound - If she is still breech, then we will be discussing options at the next appointment. As long as she's healthy I don't care how she gets here. =) He also said that it seems she has dropped, which explains the incredible pain rocketing through my hips
Tuesday, September 06, 2011
Party Time
We also enjoyed a lovely bash for Makenna's 5th Birthday in Champaign. We just love her to pieces, she's so stinking cute! Amanda tickled all of our tummies with a delicious POT ROAST lunch - and (with Rachel in tow) we hit up the water park where I FINALLY got to enjoy a lazy river this year after Indiana Beach's FAIL.
You May Have Heard....

Chris got a NEW truck!
He has been wanting a truck for years...and now he has it. It's a 2011 Chevy Silverado in "Steel Green". He drove it off the lot with a whole 65 miles on it. We owe a huge THANK YOU to both Shane (Discount) and Adam (Salesman) for making this happen at the payment we wanted (OK, $7 and some change more a month, but who can argue with that?) - and comparable to the payment we were going to have on a used truck... I guess the Toyota being all funky paid off, because it hadn't needed to go into the shop Chris would have bought the used one before the weekend...BUT... since it did have to go to the shop I (mean wife, I know) told him he has to wait until we see how much we owe on fixing the Toyota...(Thankfully, ZILCH!)... he got this one!
Don't tell him...but I kind of like it too...
Baby Room ALERT!
Momma West was here for basically two weeks working hard on the baby's room. You can see from the pictures what a wonderful job she done! Chris and I are both so excited and happy with the end result. I told her that it is was a blessing she came to do the room, because if it were up to me (I like to start a project, but not finish if it takes more than an hour or two) - it would have been a coat of paint, maybe a shelf and that's it. She creatively pulled items from the baby shower into the room decor, it's really neat. You'll see below that we they painted one of the first dressers that belonged to her and Darrell. Just a few tiny things left to do and the room will be 90% complete ... just need to add the baby and it's all finished!
Thanks Cathy!!! It's beautiful!
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