Last week:
Monday we both worked late.
Tuesday: We both worked days, I had class that evening and then came home to eat some yummy steak with Christopher and watch NCIS and do homework when Chris went to bed.
Wednesday: I worked a 12 hour day because of a fundraiser and Chris just chilled at the house that evening.
Thursday: We both worked the days again. This is my normal day off, but with Danyell at work being on maternity leave the schedules got flipped and flopped a little bit.
Friday: Chris and I drove to Michigan City for his interview at Sullair. It sounds very promising.
Saturday: Dad came over and we spent all of the morning getting parts to fix the tractor to mow the lawn. While we waited on the fed-ex shipment that never arrived we ate breakfast at The Breakfast House, the boys agreed, "It's a grandpa Beirne place".
Today, Sunday: We went to church which ran over by more than hour because there was a guest speaker, it was an excellent word so no one minded staying over. We worked on our tans together, took a nap on the couch, worked on the flower beds a little and Chris had BoJack chasing him on the dirt bike. I think I'm going to get my essay written and do some other homework, while Chris.... does Chris stuff.
Not last week, but the week before Chris and I went shopping at Elder-Beerman and I bought these jeans for only $2.99 each. $6.34 all together. it was great.