The cute blue house we really wanted to buy at the end of June is still for sale. The sellers have come-a-calling, like we suspected they would.
Actually, I was told the house had sold, but apparently that guy was thinking about a blue house on the other end of the block.
It's small, (Major change from the house in Sharpsville/kokomo,) but has that awesome basement. My boss lives on the road behind it, she says it's a great little subdivision.
So we bargained, you know, did our thing and basically it came up a little short, and we dropped the offer all together.
Last month the price was down from 112,000 to $109,000. Now it is at $104,000. It is an estate, and I guess they found out they wanted it sold worse than they thought.
Perhaps they shouldn't have been so greedy. Realtor called, said she got a call wanting to know if we were still interested.... um.... as much we'd love to laugh in their faces....we're thinking about it....