Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Love the Furlough...

...embrace the furlough....

While the downfall of the furlough was a financial burden...

I have to admit we had a good time continuing our vacation here in MC because of it.

Monday and Tuesday I didn't work until noon, so we spent the mornings actually making pancakes for breakfast, watching a movie, and working on the computers. Oh and my car broke, so Chris is going to fix it tomorrow..but we haven't let that stress us out.

I had yesterday and today off, so yesterday we hung out, cleaned the house in the morning and rode our bikes to the park. The beach looked wonderful, it was not crowded and the waves were really big. We had a BOGO coupon for the Zoo, so for $4.50 we made our way around the park zoo. Then we came home, cleaned up,went out for some Chinese food picked up Confessions of a Shop-a-holic, blew up the couch/bed air mattress and watched the movie. Yay, relaxing days like that really do exist.

Today we spent ALL morning (yes until noon) sitting on the porch. Chris played withthe scanner and searched for frequncy numbers. I read a couple chapters of "The girl who loved Tom Gordon" by Stephen King and played online. Chris made lunch on the grill and now we are going to watch Cool Runnings then head to the Marina to tour the Nina and Pinta mobile ship museums that have docked here in MC till Sunday. Then we will probably do some dinner and finish relaxing...

My goodness I love just relaxing - we'll have to do it more often.

Thought we'd share this funny clip of the monkey thing trying to move the log.The lady had just cleaned and he seemed to not like where she put it.

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