Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.

Monday, September 21, 2009

We love Makenna!

So...I'm at work on Friday, and I'm thinking about what we are going to do this weekend...there was a demo derby in LaPorte, which looked like fun, but we hadn't made any official plans to do this yet. Then I get a call from Chris and he tells me that Brent and Amanda want to know if I want to babysit Makenna Saturday morning...Ofcourse, DUH! ... so Chris buys my Amtrak ticket and after dinner, he drives me to Homewood to jump on the New Orleans train. (Can I just say I LOVE the New Orleans train - so much leg room! Even in coach I was able to have my luggage bag and my backpack in the leg area, and still I was able to stretch my seat out and lay down.)

Anyway - so Brent picked me up at the station - train was only about 12 minutes late (great compared to the typical 40 minutes!)

On Saturday mom was going to drive to Champaign and take Makenna to her swim lesson. But...I called the girls to see if they wanted to ride with Grandma over here, and Kristina wanted to go GeoCaching in Champaign. So...she and the girls came, and mom got to stay home. We got to the Aquatic Center with 2 minutes to spare - couldn't ask for better timing. Boom-Boom. Makenna is so adorable - and the girls were just in love with her.

We went to get lunch at the mall - CHICKEN TERIYAKI - YUMM - Bought some candy from the candy store - YUM - then went geoing over at Parkland, no luck. Then we went to a park, with even worse luck on the geo, but had a good time playing on the equipment. Then Makenna and I got dropped off at the house and we colored the sidewalks, and played on the swing set. When we were finally tired of being outside, we went inside and not two minutes later ...THE PUPPY ARRIVES! Daisy is tooo adorable. Makenna loves her already.

After an initial blast with the puppy, we sat to watch Atonement. Chris arrived and watched a little of the movie, but was very hungry - and it reminded me that I was hungry - ha! So, we paused the movie, went to Dos, went home, hung out, sent the boys to get some Custard Cup, and chatted with Vicki.

Sunday we got up, got dressed, watched Austin Powers, then Chris and I went to the mall so I could use my VS coupons - Chris got his hair cut - and we headed to mom's for the meatballs we have been CRAVING for weeks now. YUMMY STUFF! After about an hour we headed home and just chilled for the night.

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