Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Ello, From England!

We've been hanging around England! If you thought London is where the good stuff is at, you are sadly mistaken.... BATH is the place to be, and that is exactly where we have been hanging around with Our Family from Across the Pond! It was been just wonderful meeting the family that we have been talking to through the internet for some time now. I have more pictures with the family, but they are on the other disk that I do not have at the moment.

At the Roman Baths. This place is absolutely beautiful. It really is spectacular, and well worth a visit of your time. It was actually open for swiiming until just a few years ago when a young girl caught a virus of sorts. The problem has been fixed, but for safety- they no longer allow any swimming.

Here - I am at the Roman Bath- but behind me is an old church that is just beautiful.

We had to stop and see the GEORGE - one of the oldest and lopsided pubs in England. BOB gave us a wonderful history lesson, and showed us where the men were taken out and hung. This is actually an church behind Chris, but he is in the parking lot for The George.

Yes, we HAD to go see Stonehenge. They've blocked it off so you can't next to the stones anymore, so Chris didn't get the chance to see if he could knock them over like CLARK in European Vacation (lol seriously- he would never had done that!) Not sure what we expected, but it was pretty much exactly what you see in photos and movies, though the audio makes the tour so much more interesting.

We also drove out to Salisbury - and toured the Salisbury Cathedral. The craftsmanship is just ridiculous when you think about how long ago it was all built. BOB - told us about the mason's and we searched and searched for a mason's mark on the stones, but we never did find one.

This is MOM and ANN inside.

It is rainy and cold, so K and I stayed at the hotel in London while Chris and mom got everything ready at the train station. Share more later.

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