Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Weekly Craft - Wind Sock

Katelyn was too cute at Story Time on Friday!
The Audubon Society was there to teach the children about dinosaurs, and they had these cut-outs to pass around during the story, and Katelyn was one of the few that didn't get a chance to hold one.
Before starting the craft one the ladies asked if all the children got to hold a dinosaur. Katelyn understood exactly what she was asking- all on her own she stood up, held her hands in the air, and brought the dinosaur to sit on my lap. I took a picture, she said 'rrr' and without any prompting from me she got up, and handed it back to the lady.  

The wind-sock was a lot of fun to make! (and simple!) We had a bag of tools which included:

1 sheet of construction paper
3 streamers
5 stickers
1 glue stick
1 piece of yarn (about 6-8 inches)

You'll also need a couple pieces of tape, a hole punch, and a stapler.


Decorate one side of the construction paper with stickers and drawings, staying an inch or so away from the side edges.

Glue/Tape the streamers in equal spacing across the bottom of the opposite side of the construction paper.

Bring edged together making a cylinder shape, and staple in the middle and at each end.

Put two holes across from each other near the top of the wind sock, and tie string through on both sides.

As Katelyn has learned to say --- Ta-da!


  1. Miss K is already a "homeschooled" child. Start teaching her to read. She is ready.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
