Anyway... Here is my attempt to catch you up with out forgetting the most important parts.....
So on the 16th, Bela had a soccer game, this was her first one where she got to play during the game because she now (finally) has enough practices in to play.
Here she is Warming Up.
In the Game, running hard
So I'm working on my soccer vocab, and here she is "dribbling" the ball, (apparently not just kicking it) You can't see her because the other girl was a total photo hog and kept getting in my way.
Here she goes, after the girl, after the ball.... so my vocab is not so good...
The game sadly ended in a tie 1 - 1.
The game on Thursday the 18th was cancelled because well... let's just say that MUNSTER, INDIANA is STILL, yes, STILL, under water. So they couldn't exactly all jump on the floating school bus and float it's way to MC. :)
I took my hair up to my first set of layers and then got more layers. I also got my highlights touched up with some low lights this time... Don't mind the fact that my shirt is on backwards and wrong side out. I do not know why... crazy me.
Saturday the 20th we headed for IL. Bela and I met my sister Kristina at the Mall and went shopping for Grandma's Birthday Gift, since the photo I ordered was a bust at Wal-Mart. We got her a great card, and Bela discovered how wonderful Hallmark stores are. We ran into our Cousin Becca while we were there, and spent a good amount of time going through the singing cards, having fun.
Then we went to the bookstore and to bath and body works. Then we headed to County Market to pick up the cakes. We bought Grandma flowers, and a balloon that matched the card and a 90 years old balloon to go with. Lunch at Aunt Marianne's was wonderful! Yummy Sloppy Joe's and Veggies. We played the bean bag toss game. Teams were Chris, Adam, and Jack's three boys, against Isabela, Ashley, myself and Tom. Ashley kept having Tom throw for her when she saw how good he is. Chris got a bag-in-hole too! The rest of us got close though!
Then we went to the church for cake and gifts. It was fun, Orville was there too! The kids loved seeing him even though he can't remember them, he did a good job pretending. :) Rachel found the skeletal remains of some animal in the church yard, that was fun to get rid of!
Casi, Shane and myself all got new phones this weekend too! We all got the blackberry Curve. I LOVE it! Casi already has music on hers, I need to put some on mine before the weekend trip! Chris actually got the same phone for work, now Mom, Dad, Casi, Shane, Chris and I all have the same phone. Chris is the only boy with a black one, the other boys have red.
Sunday we got up with no real purpose. Rachel has just broken a light bulb with her ball in the front room and crying because she got yelled at for bouncing the ball in the house. So we decided to do a GEO CACHE! It was sooo much fun, I will explain this later, as I need to get to bed, and I want to explain it right.
Bela had another soccer game last night (Tuesday).. THEY WON 2 - 0!!! This is the first win by the JV team this season. She was so proud, as she should be.. she almost scored... but if she hadn't almost scored, the other girl wouldn't have scored at all... so yay!
This weekend is going to be a long one as Chris and I are Chaperoning on the exchange student trip. There are 60 kids, on 5: 15 passenger vans, going to Amish Country, Cedar Point, Niagara Falls and Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame. We are two of only 9 chaperone's. My dad is considering coming with, but I think he just made it to TN for his bike trip with brother.
And that's it for tonight!