Happy Birthday Chris!
Today Chris is 30 years old! I just happened to randomly get this day off because of the Holiday, so Chris took a Vacation Day!!!
I couldn't keep his birthday present a surprise ANY LONGER, NOT ONE DAY LONGER... and I just found the perfect gift, and the perfect price LAST NIGHT!!!
He was so thrilled to discover that he is GOING TO THE FIRST REGULAR SEASON COLTS GAME AT THE LUCAS OIL STADIUM! and as a bonus, Isabela and I get to go also!

He has already called Kim to see if we can do the whole tailgate experience with them, and she said of course. They will be in Indy around 1pm, but I think we are going to show Bela around Indianapolis for a little while before we join them.
I will have a long post for the weekend shortly. Chris and I are about to eat lunch, go to the post office, go to Wal-mart then go watch The Dark Knight. Chris is excited that he has finally saved enough money to purchase some new rims, and hopefully new tires, for his car. He needs the tires for winter, but his rims are pretty ugly, I'm glad he is able to get new of both. The tires we will get in South Bend where they offer the free rotation and whatever...
Tonight Bela is treating Chris to dinner for his Birthday. He says he has not decided where he wants to go yet. So you'll just have to keep checking back to find out :)
Alright! Chris is 30 now! What a perfect age, I think it was my favorite...Happy birthday to you from all of the Stille Family! Hope you guys enjoy the day.