Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Potty Update

SO...I've not really dedicated myself to potty training K, yet...but we have been working on it every morning. I leave her diaperless every morning, and try to place her on the chair when I see her start to go...well, yesterday morning she kept running over to it and sitting down, she'd make the squeezy sound and FART into the toilet.

Now, I'm excited because I know she is starting to understand when to use the chair for real, and on her own. She never did go potty in the chair, and I was a little disappointed because I could feel her leg was a little damp, which means she went potty on my floor somewhere... humph...

Anyway, later in the day we're rolling on the floor, and she takes off laughing and stomps in her bumbo seat and then starts whining, "wah-wah. Wah-wah." Hmm.... shouldn't be any water in that thing, I crawl over to it and peak in....she pee'd in it!

All I could think was SCORE! It may not have been the potty chair, but it was a chair, and since she doesn't hang out in the bumbo seat anymore, I'm thinking she went to pee in it on purpose. =) Even though I had to rinse it out in the shower...I'm one happy momma! One step closer to no more diapers for my babe!

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