Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Just a Typical Day...

I love to keep K away from the T.V. - which means we do a lot of playing everyday. She was hosting a play dough party in the afternoon, so she had to get up early to start making some before school. We made FALL scented dough with Cinnamon, Nutmeg, and Cloves.

Then she picks out her clothes, I help her get them on, and then she brushes her teeth, and I drop her off at school.

She took a nap today, and wok up shortly before it was party on. Here she is playing with some of her best buds.

Turns out, K is the only one that enjoys the squishy feeling of play dough between her fingers, so they spent the day playing with trains and eating popcorn.

K and I kept playing with the dough after they left. She loves, loves, loves play dough.

I hung some streamers with the hope that they would run through it and tear it all up, but none of the kiddos even cared it was there. (Don't worry, I find a way to make the streamers uber exciting tomorrow!)

Katelyn wanted to color the tub again, so while she redecorated in the bathroom, I set up an easy "invitation to play" tray for her. It is just glue, foam stickers, paper, and glitter.

About to get messy.

It actually took her awhile to find the tray this time, but once she did it was so cool to see her artistic talents unleashed.

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