Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Boom-shock-a-lock-a -

Hello! I am SUPER-DEE-DUPER-DEE Excited because today was my first time balancing my drawer with out having to count it twice! My first count down today- BOOM! EVEN! Perfect! I know, I know it sounds silly but I'm thrilled because I was starting to feel like everyone in the branch was thinking I can't count or something though I've only actually been short that one time.

For example the other day I was 80 short the first count. So I'm flipping through packs of 20's to see where my mistake was made. And Andy is standing behind me and asks, "how many nickles do you have down there?" I said $94.00 and he goes, "you only keyed in $14.00" so now you can see why I am so excited about balancing the first count! Yeah!

So I just thought I'd share my wonderful news!

My car is still broken down in Mishawaka. It is at Gurley-Leep and they said yesterday that they do not know what is wrong with it. :( so it's probably going to be expensive- we are just hoping that the extended warranty we paid for covers it.

Well, that's all I really wanted to say. I have to go take a proctored test now for my online class so they know that I am really me taking the tests.


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