Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.

Monday, September 24, 2007

De que color es...?

Yep! I got highlights done today and got a slight eyebrow waxing done. No hair cut cut or trim today- I think in the next couple months I am going to try some curls- but we'll have to wait and see if I am daring enough to do that when the time comes. I was going to get bangs today but decided just to get the high lights.

Right after I put these pictures on the computer I put the card in the camera backwards so now even my older-than-dirt back up camera won't work- I hope Chris can fix it when he gets home.

Chris says THANKS AMANDA! for the wonderful advice on the baby Tylenol!

This weekend felt like it was so long just because we did so much! Saturday morning we went to jump on the commuter and missed it! The train left 2 minutes early and we were counting on that 2 minutes because we slept in! We were pulling right behind it when it started going!

We raced down to the Beverly shores stop and luckily were able to beat it to that stop. We jumped on and went in to Chicago. We had fun on our mile walk though it was a bit chillier than we had planned on it to be. Chris was in shorts and a tee- I of course had a sweater handy.

Then my mom picked us up at the station in champaign, we went to best buy to look at camera's but couldn't decide on one in the thirty minutes that we had. Then we headed to danville to celebrate my grandma's 89Th birthday party! It was fun! The girls and I played ball in the yard like my sisters and I used to so many years ago. Chris batted once and made it to first, poor thing! he still can not run on his knee he had surgery on. I told him to call the doctor and ask if it still should be 3 times bigger than the other knee. But he won't.

After the birthday bash we went to Megan Harrold's Wedding. We didn't have a camera so I got no pictures but it was beautiful. She looked like princess. Scott (her husband) seems like a really nice guy- this is the first time we met him. They greeted everybody as they dismissed us all row-by-row. That was a little different but it was a lot better than having to wait in the back for everyone to have their big long conversations with the newlyweds.

After the wedding we bought some papa murphy's pizza and cheesy bread and went back to mom and dads for dinner. Kristina and the girls came over to eat. One large 5 pound stuffed pizza was too much for us all. We still had three slices left which we took over to grandma's for her and her guests' dinner time snack.

Rachel and Ashley wanted to go skating. Chris and I met them at the rink and watched them skate- or rather watched them play games for an hour then we went back to moms to sleep. I said you know we are tired when we go to bed at 9:30pm and don't wake up till 7:30am! Usually we are early birds but not this time.

We almost missed our breakfast date at PEEPS with Brent, Amanda and Makenna. I got to introduce my mom to Makenna that morning when she dropped us off! Mom says she's a real cutie! So we went to PEEPS and had some yummy breakfast. I love PEEPS! YUM! Lucky for us the train was an hour late so we had time to relax and enjoy our breakfast.

Then we rushed to the train station. Chris and I stopped to eat lunch at CHIPOLTE's in Chicago- it was pretty yummy too! I have only had it once before this stop though I see it everywhere. Then we had perfect timing to get good seats on the commuter home.

We missed the colts game :( but mom kept calling to give us updates when something would happen.
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