Yesterday was the home inspection at what is soon going to be our new home. He said most things were in good shape. The whirlpool tub does not work (total bummer), and there are a few spots where the floor is un-level...he said that it can be fixed. It's not really a problem, we didn't even notice it. Water test, and radon test come back next week. Foundation had some problems at one point in time, but they had it professionally fixed, and the inspector said that the repair is top-notch and doesn't see a need to worry about it. A couple windows are painted shut (again, bummer) - but as long as it is done carefully, we should be able to pry them open with a little TLC. There was a brass something or other that the inspector said he is going to request be replaced. The brass is fine for whatever it does, but wears out quickly and he said we don't want to be stuck with that. Annnd, for what I believe is the last thing is that there are three electrical outlets that are untrippable. But, we were excited to hear everything else was good...
Isabela and I walked around and around the house thinking of future plans. May 28th can't come fast enough.
Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Bela is here!
Isabela is here, safe and sound! We picked her up at the airport last night - and she will be leaving on Wed. This morning we headed to Shaumburg, IL to attend Medieval Times Dinner Theater. As you can see, Mom-Kristina-Austin & Devon also went with us. The boys were so drawn to the show, they were glued! It was cute.
We have a house!
Yay! We have a house again - and - couldn't be happier! We close at the end of May, and are taking volunteers to come help us move! Mom and Dad Hall will be here already we know :) .
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Bela's Return
Friday night we are heading to Chicago to pick Bela up from the airport. She will be here till Wednesday, and I actually have Saturday off (but a heapin' TON of homework!). I have no fear that we will be able to have a great time though! Can't wait, we are super excited.
Counter, Counter-Counter
We got a counter offer on the house. Sounded good, but one problem - with the loan we can't get cash back for the roof like they, we have devised a counter offer to their counter offer which will get the same dollar amount (actually $62 more) in return with less upfront cost to them. In just under an hour we are meeting with the agent for submission. Fingers-Crossed.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Offer is Made!
Now we wait...
Yes, this is the house that we made an offer on. We actually offered the selling price, but they have to replace the roof. The offer originally expired tonight at 6pm, but they called for an extension till Monday night to get estimates.
It is a beautiful house. It is in a small subdivision just outside MC, but not too far from Laporte. It is right down the road from work for me, so a little further for Chris seeing as how he has been 2 minutes from work for the last three years, but it is probably only 8-10 minutes of a drive for him.
I know some Colts fans in the area too, so we already got party people in the neighborhood for sure, lol. Now we are just waiting till Monday - I'll update when we hear something. :)
Friday, April 16, 2010
Girls Weekend
The girls had their last Ice Skating recital of the season. Chris and I drove down to D-ville Saturday after I got off work. We made it to the Civic Center with about 20 minutes to spare. The girls were awesome, and you can check out videos on YouTube of them (link is on Kristina's blog). I didn't take any pictures because Kris was video taping them all. I didn't sit next to my husband, I sat next to Rachel's boyfriend!! LOL, I can't believe she is dating now! Growing up way tooooo fast.
Ashley spent the night at Grandma's with Chris and I. On Sunday I did her make up, and we played outside in the great weather while we waited for Lynnse and Megan to pick me up. The girls and I went to Rosemont to spend the evening with Chelsea Handler - Awesome!
Ashley spent the night at Grandma's with Chris and I. On Sunday I did her make up, and we played outside in the great weather while we waited for Lynnse and Megan to pick me up. The girls and I went to Rosemont to spend the evening with Chelsea Handler - Awesome!
Science Central with the Boys!
Chris came to the house on Friday night. Saturday we took the boys to Science Central (yes, we have been there several times). If you notice the boys are wearing dress shirts--- that is because I put Devon in a button down shirt for school on Thursday, and Austin really wanted to dress up after that. So, on Saturday he comes running down stairs in slacks and a button down shirt. Super cute, so THEN, Devon had to have dress clothes on because we told Austin how slick he looks. It was fun!

Week with the Boys!
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Busy Weekend
So, Chris and I have a busy least I do...Chris may have a busy/boring weekend. Saturday I work in the morning till one. Chris is going to get the taxes done at 9 am. After work, we are speeding down to watch Rachel and Ashley's last ice skating performances of the season. Sunday, we are heading to Chicago where I will go to the Chelsea Handler show with Lynnse and Megan, and Chris will be...somewhere...sitting in the car, at a bar, eating at steak-n-shake - I don't think he even knows yet. I'm going to be LOL'ing it with my girls while he is chillaxing elsewhere.
Timed Test Should be the length of the Class!
Took the second test for my education score right away like the last one. Probably a good thing considering it almost bedtime. Last time I cried for like thirty minutes, and then couldn't stop thinking about it for hours. I don't think I did terrible, I know I missed at least three points on one question because I didn't have enough time to answer it. We got 60 minutes to answer 52 questions with two of them requiring several sentences for the answer. This is a face-to-face course, and she opts for the online test to be all "green". But...I think that since it is a face-to-face class - I should have AT LEAST that long to take the exam. I hate open book exams, and I hate timed exams, annnnd THIS is both! Either she wants me to learn the material or she doesn't...First of all, telling ME that it is an open book test is a death sentence because I CAN'T STUDY for open book tests (yes, I have a very serious defect!) Second, giving an open book test and a short time limit is even more deadly. Stupid, I'm paying the school good money to pay these people to teach me .... I want to learn it (Yes, I do). Grr.. even I do get a decent grade on it - I'm still going to be upset!
Friday, April 02, 2010
Welcome Spring!
Seems to be that all I do is write essays, and short reports these days. Even my math instructor has reduced the number of assigned problems this semester, so that really takes up no time at all to do. Yay! Now, if I can just stay away from other Internet traps long enough to write these three papers - Life would be grrrreat!
Chris is in Murfreesboro hanging at mom and dad's until dad arrives later this afternoon. They are driving together down to Biloxi to visit Thom, Heidi and Matthew. Mom will be there, so hopefully they all have fun at Chuck E's celebrating Mathews Birthday. I'll post the photos from Austin's birthday at Chuck E's in Kokomo this weekend.
We still have yet to get our taxes done - Don't let us forget now! If I remember, I am going to ask a girl at work who did hers again, because I think it is time we finally stopped going all the way to Kokomo to get them done. haha, that's a long hike.
I've been enjoying to weather! Sitting out on the side porch with my laptop working on homework (or rather, with the intentions of working on homework). The wind is breezy, but warm. Welcome Spring! I'm a slacker, but hopefully this weekend I will get to the flowers. Some are a blooming, while I want to plant some new. Pictures will be up soon.
Chris is in Murfreesboro hanging at mom and dad's until dad arrives later this afternoon. They are driving together down to Biloxi to visit Thom, Heidi and Matthew. Mom will be there, so hopefully they all have fun at Chuck E's celebrating Mathews Birthday. I'll post the photos from Austin's birthday at Chuck E's in Kokomo this weekend.
We still have yet to get our taxes done - Don't let us forget now! If I remember, I am going to ask a girl at work who did hers again, because I think it is time we finally stopped going all the way to Kokomo to get them done. haha, that's a long hike.
I've been enjoying to weather! Sitting out on the side porch with my laptop working on homework (or rather, with the intentions of working on homework). The wind is breezy, but warm. Welcome Spring! I'm a slacker, but hopefully this weekend I will get to the flowers. Some are a blooming, while I want to plant some new. Pictures will be up soon.
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