Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Yesterday was the home inspection at what is soon going to be our new home. He said most things were in good shape. The whirlpool tub does not work (total bummer), and there are a few spots where the floor is un-level...he said that it can be fixed. It's not really a problem, we didn't even notice it. Water test, and radon test come back next week. Foundation had some problems at one point in time, but they had it professionally fixed, and the inspector said that the repair is top-notch and doesn't see a need to worry about it. A couple windows are painted shut (again, bummer) - but as long as it is done carefully, we should be able to pry them open with a little TLC. There was a brass something or other that the inspector said he is going to request be replaced. The brass is fine for whatever it does, but wears out quickly and he said we don't want to be stuck with that. Annnd, for what I believe is the last thing is that there are three electrical outlets that are untrippable. But, we were excited to hear everything else was good...

Isabela and I walked around and around the house thinking of future plans. May 28th can't come fast enough.

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