Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Family Reunion

Apparently my dates were a little off - The trip to PA for Chris was LAST Tuesday - not today...and I managed to squeeze outta work on Friday to be able to attend. I flew in to Laguardia, and since Brent and Amanda were so close - they graciously agreed to pick me up Thursday night and take me back to PA with them for the reunion.

In true Lara Fashion I left my camera on the passenger seat in my car - but did manage to pack the video camera - so videos will be posted on YouTube tonight or tomorrow.

Chris and I had a real great time at the reunion. I am soooo glad that I was able to make it out there.

First, I got to fly - I love flying and traveling. Just something about it. Second, I got to spend the night in Harlem. Third, We got to love on Makenna all weekend. Fourth, we got to hang out with the family. Fifth, We got to meet relatives for the first time and catch up with others. It has been way too long for Chris. Sixth, We got great food. Seventh, We got see the waterfall. Eighth, I got to paddle around the pond with Momma West. Ninth....okay you get the point...WE HAD FUN! Videos will tell it all.

Back to the daily grind ::::Chris has already hoped on a plane for work and should be back tonight. =)