Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Celebration Quiz 1!

Last week of school this semester. Science Final, and two quizzes in history left till I am finished. I hear myself chugging along, "I can do it, I can do it, I can do it." Making the most of my math skills, I calculate what I need to get an A in History. I need 20 points on the last three discussion boards, which have yet to be graded. I have only lost 2 points out of all the discussion posts this semester -which is more than my average - and that was a week that I just wanted to get something done, so it was not my best work. Hopefully, I continue my hot streak and get full credit. Anyway, so I need 20 points on all three of those, and I needed at least 20/25 on both of my last quizzes. Just took my first and earned a 22/25- so as long as I don't blow this last one I should be good to go.

As for Science - I some how managed to get that D up to a 89% B. No grades on our last 2 lab reports or our only three discussion board posts, which really IRKS me, because I don't have a good gage of my grade. Just going by what is graded and a possible on the final - I can only squeeze out an A if I get a 100% - which is not likely, but something to strive for. I can get 50% and still hold on to a B...so I think it is going to be a B. Boo... but better than the D I did have.