Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Family Christmas

One, actually two, family Christmas Parties down - one more to go.

I really love the Holidays. Just gathering together with the family that you never get to just kick back and relax with is great. Although it has been stressful up to this point... Emilia had to decorate the tree or it wouldn't have gotten done... I hope things are going to start calming down for us. Chris has one last work trip to make this year. He is in Chicago tonight, flying to Houston in the morning, and hopefully returning home on-time for Christmas Eve.... Santa may not leave his gifts here if he doesn't make it home...

And guess what? I DID get a camera from my mother and father for Christmas! Just in-time for the Holidays....well, not including the big family party, but I had it to take to the Colts game this afternoon. So, party on people - pictures will be alive and flowing from this juice box again soon. :) Meanwhile, Special shout-out to my cousin Rebecca for putting this lovely picture of all us cousins with our Grandma on FB.

We'll be seeing the rest of the family in Tennessee over New Years!