I went with mom for a quick stop at Sunset to check on Grandpa's flag and flowers. While we were there we made a pit stop from the family rounds to let Steve know we were thinking about him, and we were glad to see that he had some flowers too.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
I went with mom for a quick stop at Sunset to check on Grandpa's flag and flowers. While we were there we made a pit stop from the family rounds to let Steve know we were thinking about him, and we were glad to see that he had some flowers too.
Congrats Emilia.
Last week Emilia was presented with a certificate for making the Honor Roll! That is a GPA of 3.8 or higher. Congratulations Emilia!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Dear NOLA, Here we come again!

1) We’ll be going in December instead of November.
2) We’ll be joined by more family than just Thom, Heidi, Matthew, and Andrew.
3) We won’t be making a trip to Biloxi…so…No Yummy Heidi Thanksgiving Dinner.
4) We’ll be traveling with our new baby!
Our method of transportation is staying consistent ---by not having any consistency.
Year One: Fly Down – Amtrak back.
Year Two: Drive Round trip.
Year Three: Amtrak Round Trip.
We will also be joining Brent, Amanda, and Makenna on the train, so we are all traveling on the same days, arriving at the same place, and being dropped off at the same place and time. (That just makes things easier.) Chris and I booked a small Roomette for a little more privacy with the baby… plus our own thermostat. Last time we took this train it was cold enough to “hang meat” Chris says. So, that in itself was worth the cost of the small private room.
I’m excited about the trip, but not so excited about the cost. I just hope that we survive the adjustment to the new expense of having a baby, and Christmas at the same time - so we can actually afford to do something on the trip – although, outside of food we really enjoy just walking around and taking in the sights and atmosphere. It will be fun because we’re going to be with family either way…as long as they don’t let us be the party poopers if we’re exhausted and poor all at the same time. =)
Chris can’t wait to get him some Acme Oyster House! Bring on N'awlins!

Iceland Volcano

Sunday, May 22, 2011
20 Weeks!

Medieval Times!!
White Sox
Now Emilia has not only been to an NFL game, but she has also been to a MLB game - a totally American experience. We can't believe that there are only 25 days left for her exchange program. =( I know her parents are ready for her, but I'm totally not ready to give her up yet.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Josh Turner
Got It Fixed
Friday, May 20, 2011
Bring On the Shine!
Last Doctor Visit - 5/12

The office typically has done a great job of getting us back into a room within a few minutes of our scheduled time. Generally, we choose to visit on Thursdays in the afternoon so that I don’t have to miss work or leave early, and Chris can leave a little earlier than his normal time and just stay home the rest of the day. (Kudos to them!)
We had a different nurse this time, but still ended up having the normal nurse Amber get the baby’s heart rate, because the other nurse couldn’t find it. (Don’t even joke about scary!) She spent a few minutes pushing the wand and moving it around A LOT and kept shaking her head, “No, that’s yours. No, that’s yours…...(a very “long” time later)……I’m only getting your heartbeat, let me go see….” (voice trails off as she speeds out of the room.)
Surprise! It’s Amber. Looking mighty calm at my *hurry the freak up lady before I start to cry* face. She actually found it relatively quickly, but had to spend about 7-10 minutes trying to get the machine to give her the actual rate. “That’s one active baby. It’s doing lots of flips and spins in there; it’s just hard to pick it up long enough.” But finally – she got it, 150.
Then the DR came in a much longer time later. I’m afraid Chris and I almost ran out of things to talk about just waiting on him to come in – he took forever. He checked my legs, arms, felt on my belly – said that my stats were good. “Four pounds in four weeks – you must be reading the books.” I’m just glad he was happy about the weight this time. =)
And, I believe that was pretty much all there was for that. Our 2nd level Anatomy scan is scheduled to happen very shortly. :p

Sunday, May 15, 2011
Weather Tired?
So I couldn't sleep at bedtime. I took a bath, still couldn't sleep. Now I'm just going to post some pictures of the scrapbook pages I have completed for you. There are five all together, but one won't be done till we find out if we're having a boy or a girl, another won't be done till I run out of room for "bump" pictures and need to start another one, and one is a small month-by-month account - so it won't be done till the baby arrives! There are others to do, but I just have not gotten around to starting them yet. Here you go:
"The First Ultra Sound"
- March 17th @ 2:45
-Length: 4CM
-Heart Rate: 174
-Short Story.
It's Positive!!! =)
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Things the Students Say..
I’m just going to come right out and tell you what the student said (and repeated more than once) to the classroom with straight conviction. “You all white people made a big mistake by releasing us black people from slavery because all we done was brought you gangs, and drugs, and-“ That was all he said before I stopped him. It was heartbreaking to see that he had no understanding of the statement that he just made. He’s one of those students that really is just so determined to be the biggest drug-dealer in the neighborhood, that he thinks he does not need an education of any sorts. It’s sad, and unfortunately I’m not so sure that he is the least educated student in the building.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Summer Plans & Not to Brag...
Creative Writing - A.
Social Psychology - A.
This will be my first summer without a rushed 8 week class in several years. I'm actually really excited and looking forward to enjoying summer and staying on top of the yard work. I do however, think that I am going to sign-up for an IMPROV group at the Art Center for the summer. The only thing stopping me from signing up today is the fact that it is every Sunday except July 3. I think I really want to have something I'm committed to doing over the summer though (other than yard work, which who knows how much I'll actually be doing)...Does that make reasonable sense to anybody?
I'll also be taking the Fall semester off... I think. I kind of want to take an easier on-line class, but then I don't want to waste the money on a class I don't need. =/ The plan is to start back up at PNC in January.
Monday, May 09, 2011
Happy Mother's Day
I gave her tickets to see three of the four Monkees! <3 Happy Mother's Day!