Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Summer Plans & Not to Brag...

But final grades are in for this Spring semester...and I'm very happy.

Creative Writing - A.
Social Psychology - A.

This will be my first summer without a rushed 8 week class in several years. I'm actually really excited and looking forward to enjoying summer and staying on top of the yard work. I do however, think that I am going to sign-up for an IMPROV group at the Art Center for the summer. The only thing stopping me from signing up today is the fact that it is every Sunday except July 3. I think I really want to have something I'm committed to doing over the summer though (other than yard work, which who knows how much I'll actually be doing)...Does that make reasonable sense to anybody?

I'll also be taking the Fall semester off... I think. I kind of want to take an easier on-line class, but then I don't want to waste the money on a class I don't need. =/ The plan is to start back up at PNC in January.