I never did post on my last doctor appointment, so for those family peoples that care – let me catch you up…
The office typically has done a great job of getting us back into a room within a few minutes of our scheduled time. Generally, we choose to visit on Thursdays in the afternoon so that I don’t have to miss work or leave early, and Chris can leave a little earlier than his normal time and just stay home the rest of the day. (Kudos to them!)
We had a different nurse this time, but still ended up having the normal nurse Amber get the baby’s heart rate, because the other nurse couldn’t find it. (Don’t even joke about scary!) She spent a few minutes pushing the wand and moving it around A LOT and kept shaking her head, “No, that’s yours. No, that’s yours…...(a very “long” time later)……I’m only getting your heartbeat, let me go see….” (voice trails off as she speeds out of the room.)
Surprise! It’s Amber. Looking mighty calm at my *hurry the freak up lady before I start to cry* face. She actually found it relatively quickly, but had to spend about 7-10 minutes trying to get the machine to give her the actual rate. “That’s one active baby. It’s doing lots of flips and spins in there; it’s just hard to pick it up long enough.” But finally – she got it, 150.
Then the DR came in a much longer time later. I’m afraid Chris and I almost ran out of things to talk about just waiting on him to come in – he took forever. He checked my legs, arms, felt on my belly – said that my stats were good. “Four pounds in four weeks – you must be reading the books.” I’m just glad he was happy about the weight this time. =)
And, I believe that was pretty much all there was for that. Our 2nd level Anatomy scan is scheduled to happen very shortly. :p

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