Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Catch Up!

Most Important News!-------->>> Chris gets home from his second trip to Germany tonight!

Lordy, how I've missed him! Although, I have slept much better since dad gave me his pepper spray - LOL, I no longer fear that crazy person who wants to slip in my windows, hide in the closet, and make funny faces at me while I sleep. (Yes, I watch to many crime shows, and there are nights when the ice maker drops a load, and I convince myself that someone is in the house, and spend 2 hours clutching the television remote hitting the mute button for every creak.) Sadly, I'm starting to get comfortable being home alone with every night.

Next News: I've also been on vacation with mom and dad. We went to TN - stopping in Murfreesboro so I could spend some time with Thom and Heidi and the boys who were visiting Mom and Dad West.

Then we spent a couple days at my brother's house enjoying the lake and nature and all that comes with it. Simply wonderful! Always great to see him and Robert (see, I'm learning that he's outgrown "Robbie") and Jenny.

Then we moved on to Aunt Virginia and Uncle Blake's house where I got to meet Kya, Hayden, and baby Maleeah (I prolly misspelled that one) for the first time! And my cousin Sarah swung by for the Chinese Buffet and we are finally FRIENDS on Facebook - it's official people - she LIKES ME! haha.

(And she'll prolly "unfriend" me if she ever finds her way to this blog and sees I posted this picture of her!)

Then we took Mya to the hotel, played on the computers, swam in the morning, and then drove around to visit with some of my Dad's Aunts and Cousins that he has not seen in well over 40 years! Interesting, there is no doubt that the one is a "Mountain Woman" all the way to her core. They were all great stops though.

Then we all spent the night at Darrell and Cathy's house on our way home. Dad ran errands with Big D on Saturday and mom and I attended a STAMP CAMP at Cathy's house where we made our first stamped cards... wow! Was it fun too. I totally think that is something I'd like to get into if I can squeeze time away from the sewing machine and my scrap booking.

We drove straight through the rest of the way, I never got the Subway I wanted the ENTIRE trip - so maybe I can get Chris to go for one tomorrow since he wanted one in Germany, but it was somewhere he couldn't get to for whatever reason. =)

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