Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.

Saturday, July 02, 2011

Football, Ha Ha!

 There better be an NFL season this year! I NEEEEEED my COLTS!

If you thought you might be interested in the Greenbay Packers pre-season tickets, but were too afraid to ask in the event that there was not an NFL season all I can say is, YOU SNOOZE, YOU LOSE! They were asked for (and given) away Thursday.

Want to know what broke Christopher's heart on Thursday? I'm sorry that I can't help but laugh at this, he was truly heartbroken when he got the email from work saying they were sponsoring a Literature for Children type event with the Colts mobile bus...taking place while he (the BIGGEST COLTS fan in the company as we know it) will be in Germany.

He called his boss right away and asked, "So was this your plan the entire time? You wait till I get a job that takes me out of the country and then announce that my team is going to be in the parking lot of the company. What gives??" Whelp.... Even funnier (That's right Mr. Dodd- I said it again, deduct 5 points now!) is that this morning the President of the company calls Chris to borrow some of his Colts gear so he can "look" the fan part! HAHA, I took him a Manning and a Wayne jersey to choose from and a Colts Visor. If they wore the same size shoes I would have loaned him Chris's Colts tennis shoes... but that's also kinda grossy, so maybe not.

Just to give you a back story on this - Chris has been put in charge of  getting a "celebrity" to the United Way Golf Outing in August - and when he wanted to book the Colts Cheerleaders everyone gave him a hard time because we may be in Indiana, but we are so close to Chicago that we live in "Bears Country", so Colts fans like us are not always welcomed with open arms around these parts...

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