Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Work around the house Update.

Guess I really am bored now. Went to the movies twice by myself in a weeks time.

First I watched Bad Teacher - wowza, she really is a bad teacher, but I enjoyed the movie...Not to say that Justin Timberlake was bad in it, but the character he played was more than just a tad creepy.

I also watched ZooKeeper. It had it's moments, but nothing about it was really spectacular.

Other movies on my hit list: The Smurfs, Friends w/ Benefits, and soon coming- The Change Up.
I've also spent time wondering about plans for NOLA this year and if accommodations are being made as a group, or on our own?? Yes, I'd like an answer and I think only one person who reads this (Amanda, no pressure) can attempt to answer.    =)
I have also finally ran out of Melaluca dish soap. I bought some Dawn, and I must admit that I'm rather surprised at how much is already gone! The same size bottle of Melaluca lasted me forever, and this one is so liquidy I may be using more than I need to b/c of that, but it's like almost gone already. So if my MIL ever happens to stumble across this blog again maybe she'll pick up on that and get me some more! (hehe, I think she forgot blogs exist - if you notice it's been a loooooooong time since she's updates hers!)
I have been doing a few scrapbook pages this week. I got the first baby bump page done, just waiting on the weeks to past to glue pictures to the second one, and then will use the last baby bump picture taken on it's own page which is mustly designed and cut out, just needs things pasted.

I also finished the page for trading in the Celica for the Rav4, and filled in the notes for months 6 & 7 so far. I have the doctor's review page designed, but still need to cut the images, print the report (basically what I blogged with a little revision for a scrapbook mode), and glue it all together.

I have gotten compliments for my MIL on the amazing shower cards that she made for me! (Truly a crafty genius now!) I'll get a picture posted soon as I get one because my mom and Aunt have been handling all the arrangements, so I have only seen the text picture, but they looked great.
I've also been busy sewing. Yes, more nursing pads - but also diapers and matching bibs. The bibs are mostly because there is not enough fabric to make another diaper with, so this way I don't feel like I'm wasting as much money.

I made a fleece covered diaper (my first) which I don't think I put a long enough elastic strip in for it to actually be beneficial with holding everything in there, so it may not get used ever except by the teddy bear wearing it now. I'm not a big fan of the fleece diapers anyway, so I've moved on to bigger and better things...

By using PUL and flannel. I made a couple AIO (All In One's) where the soaker pad is sewn into the diaper, and a couple Pocket Diapers (layer soaker pads, and remove to wash.) I've heard pros and cons of both. AIO's take longer to dry, and pocket diapers require stuffing. Either way I'm having a blast making them, and I ordered a couple Bum Genius brands to compare with what I have made, and other than theirs being AIO and OS (One size, to grow with the baby) I really can't tell a difference between my handy work and theirs - and we all know that no one is more critical of me than I am. So, we'll see how they compare after a few go rounds in the wash today.

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