Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.

Monday, January 16, 2012

The Shuffle Roast

 Shuffle Roast

No, your eyes are not playing trickery. It really does look that good, and it tastes even better. I now call this the "Shuffle Roast," (because I  cheated on the rub). Enjoy.

What You Need:
 Boneless Roast
Potato Wedges
Onion Wedges
Baby Carrots
Celery Cuts

My meat is only about 1.5 lbs, because it is just Chris and I - so we like to portion out meats so we're not stuck wasting a bunch of good eats.
Start by putting your favorite dry rub all over your meat, and place it in the center of your baking dish. (In this case, I used *just a little* Bad Byron's Barbeque Seasoning.) And bake at 350F for 20-25 minutes.

Next, add your chopped veggies to the baking dish, and continue baking for another 35-60 minutes (till the Meats temp is 160F).

For the yummy gravy (Yes, I stole most of your Gravy Amanda) -
Take your veggies and puree in the blender with a little water till it is at the gravy consistiency you desire.

**If you'd like to save some veggies to have with the meal feel free to do so, but as you see, I served ours up with a Crescent Roll and Corn... **   YUMMY.

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