Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Hanging out!

Saturday, March 10th :

Lara worked in the morning while Chris went to Danville to work on mom's computer and to pick up Casi, Austin and Devon. He brought Casi and the boys to Kokomo to pick lara up from work and then we all went to Shane and Casi's house in Warren where we met up with Shane and went out to eat at Red lobster! It was goooood, a little pasty, but goooood all the same. Chris and I shared the Cajun Chicken with Alfredo, while the Davis Family - all but Devon - had Shrimp Scampi!

Austin never eats anything, anything, never, never - okay he eats Chicken Nuggets sometimes, about one a meal on average and that's all. At Red Lobster he hat a FULL ADULT SIZE ORDER OF SHRIMP SCAMPI, that's like 20 shrimp and he even ate the broccoli and carrots that came with it! I wish I would have had the camera to get a picture of it!

After we ate, we went home early to get some sleep for the girls' races on SUNDAY:

At the races, nothing real exciting ever happens until it is time for the girls to race- and that only lasts one to three laps. We left Casi's house at like 4am to get at the rink by 5am. Chris napped in the car after we got there.
Rachel got first place in her division and Ashley got first place in her division for both in-lines and quads! Rachel only races quads. She claims to want to race in-lines but she hardly ever wants to wear them, although I do have Kristina's blades at my house, so Rachel has none to wear-- maybe that's why? Hmm.... Both girls move up divisions next year. Rachel "races up" against the older girls this year and will usually fall in the bottom half but once she gains her confidence, all she needs is one girl to wipe out and give her the lead! :) okay- I'm not saying I would do anything, but... :0 Just kidding guys!


Started as normal. Alarm clock rings, chris turns it off. But when I rolled out of bed this morning, he was still home working onhis expense reports. I finished my essay for class and Chris had this bright idea for us to go get a bite to eat. we decided soup and salad from Olive Garden sounded perfect! (which does not open until 11am just so you know - it's not posted anywhere)

So we hung out in the car for 15 minutes and in this 15 minutes, 8 other cars pulled in and people just stood by the door waiting to get in- I felt bad for the guy unlocking the doors! He got bombarded by old women and us! Chris had Faggoli and I had Zuppa Toscana and in true Olive Garden fashion, we shared a big bowl of salad!

Oh, yeah- chris splattered a whole-lotta soup on his shirt and Chris says THANK YOU to Brent and Amanada for sharing the Tide Pen secret with us! We never would have bought them, had they not used it on his shirt in North Carolina this past summer!

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