Chris and Lara Know how to ROCK IT at the Pacers game!

I was shopping Ticketmaster looking for Rascal Flatt tickets when I came across some Pacer Tickets for $4.00 each! I bought enough for the Team2's (team trainers) to all go as a THANK YOU for all their hard work.

One Team2 bailed on us the night before so Chris went in their place. Travis loves the Pacers so he had a great time! Cory should have opted not to go, he never relished the possibility that he might actually have a little fun, Capri roked it with Chris and I and Cara - who likes basketball about as much as I do - (take how much I love the Colts, and that's how much I dislike basketball, said that even she enjoyed herself although she didn't cheer.

chris and I had a great time! We are going to check on going to another game for $4.00 on Pepsi Co.- man that company rocks! How about $4.00 tickets to the Colts?
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