Here Aunt Lulu is playing a tiny sized super hero memory game with the boys in the hallway!
The first thing Aunt Lulu got to do upon arrival was change Devon's stinky diaper! Man- can you smell that?

Devon wiggles and moves so much when trying to change him now-a-days!
i was holding his arms down with my feet and here is trying to flip right out of my arms!
Aunt Lulu decided to feast on baby Devon, but Austin said no way Jose!

Austin is playing 'there he is' - not really peek-a-boo if you're not saying peek-a-boo - with Uncle Trist! ;)

Devon didn't want to smile, so Austin is helping him out.
Oh, and the boys gonna get us kicked out of McDonald's for rough playing...
next we went to the mall, both boys slept through the entire three hour stroll!
Chris got comfy in a COLTS Chair.
After the long mall trip, Chris fed Devon while the rest of feasted on the buffet at East of Chicago Pizza, Co.

Casi and Lara swing together for a photo opp

Oh and Casi is just eating up this camera time! Austin told her, "no kissy face mommy, no kissy- smile like dis o'tay?"

Uncle Chris smiles really, really big with Devon after giving him a bottle so he could eat his dinner.

And Lara trying to be cool on the way to Casi's house, check out them shades.
Lots, Lots, Lots more too see here!
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