Well, we started on our way to Peru for John Schultz's retirement Party. While we were in transit, we got a phone call from a couple that wants to buy our house in Kokomo. Chris pulled over to talk to them, you know excitement and everything. This made us even more late, but we figured it's a party any time is a good time.
Lot's of Food! Yummy.
The Guest of Honor
We had a good time at the party. We only stayed about 2 hours though... we had to get up early to mow the yard before the people came by to see the house. We sent mom a text picture of Chris and John. It said, Wish you were here!
After we left the party, we drove to Tipton and spent the night at Candice's house. She was in Detroit, but left it unlocked for us. We watched Law & Order before going to sleep. I woke up with major, major neck ache and a headache. Chris had to go outside at the 2 in the morning to get me some advil. It was terrible. I flet like there was so much pressure my ears were going to explode.
That morning I felt so much better! We spent 60 bucks on gas for the mower and then about 9 bucks on food and drinks. Then we headed to the house. I swept all the rooms, there was bits of junk left from the move and wallpaper and plaster from the walls and ceilings everywhere. So I made them pretty again. Chris was out on that mower in the freezing cold. Actually the temp was warm but the wind was fridgid. His hands were frozen when he got done. Needless to say, we didn't weed eat anything. The yard has these beautiful orange flowers, which I did not take any pictures of, but they are gorgeous. They look almost like they are made of paper.
The couple was coming over at 2pm to tour the house. We went to Lafayette to Cracker Barrel to meet with mom, Casi, Austin and Devon for brunch. The boys are so cute.
Devon Being Cute- He does not like the camera,
Grandma tries to sneak in photo, but nope.
Austin shows off his Pirates Treasure Grandma bought him.
It's burried in this stone that says, dig it out.
Yeah, I'm laughing at it.
Another kinda picture of Devon.
Austin tries to fold my ear in.
After Brunch the boys, with their car seats and Casi squeezed into the back of the celica and rode all the way to Kokomo. We played at the house while we waited for the couple to come see the house and for Shane to come pick Casi and the boys up.
Devon turns away..again

He tries to hide behind another picture, but I got him.
He tries to hide behind another picture, but I got him.
So the couple arrives to see the house. Shortly after that Shane arrives to pick up his family. I walk around with Chris and the couple. They are loving the house. We go outside after 2 hours of touring and measuring and sit on the porch. They don't say anything, so we just make small talk. The lady says, "well you guys think about it and call us this week." I said you know what we are wanting and left it open and she said well I got 85,000 cash but will need to deduct for the repairs...so yeah, um.. no. Again she tells us to think about it and to call them. Chris was like, "They do know that they need to make us an offer if they want it, right .? So I guess we'll have to wait and see. It would have been way to easy to just be like, "yep, we got a deal." But I was hoping.
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