Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.

Friday, May 23, 2008

The Trouble With Redbox is...

too many freakin' people!

Yes, too many people, or too much business- however you want to look at it. I waited 15 minutes for one group of 4 to pick out three movies. All I wanted to do was return National Treasure 2. I mean they stood there and laughed at each other and talked about movies they had already seen. I mean I heard, "oh that was one Really good. --- yeah I liked it too, my favorite part was .... --- oh i know wasn't that great.." blah, blah, blah, 4 times. Then when they were finally done, they hit cancel instead of check out and had to start all over. Then once they remembered what they wanted, instead of sliding the card, getting the movies and getting out of the way. They stood there and dug for their change to pay the person with the card- before he would pay, he wanted his dollar seven right then. So Chris and I suggest two screens running out of the one machine. One labeled rude people, one labeled nice people. Because we're nice. Really we are, when we are looking for a movie and someone walks up with a return, we let them return it, or we ask "do you know what you want? Because we have no clue." ... "oh okay, well if you decide before we do just let us know." So to any redbox users, remember this post or you will be ....getting laser death rays shot into the back of your head by the person behind you....

We take our redboxing very seriously.... :)

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