Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Black Friday!

I get such a rush from Black Friday Shopping! Sure I had to work at 7:30 am till 6:15pm with no break, but that didn't stop me from hitting up the Lighthouse Mall at midnight with Mom and Isabela. First I asked, "Do we want to just walk? I'm sure Parking is going to be a bear." But we decided to drive and made it a whole two blocks when we saw parked cards on the road and people walking that way. We all said "Surely this is not for the outlet mall." Well, surely it was. So we drove two blocks and had to park. It was not too terribly cold out so it was not real bad... but it was still cold, don't get me wrong.

The clothing stores really didn't have too good of deals for us because we shop there all the time, and everything was regular price just with an extra 20% off. And I'm sorry but 20% is not worth standing in a line for two hours for a shirt. And Aero usually has some things that are always 30 - 50% off during the week anyways, so it was best for us just to come back later for the clothing.

Isabela bought Chris and AWESOME gift, he is totally going to freak- like you don't even know! I also bought the rest of Chris' gifts... his face is going to be awesome. I got some good idea's for mom too while shopping for other people. Also, a few people have asked me for a list for Isabela - If you asked me and I never got back to you, or your wanting to ask now- let me know and I'll get it to you.

Work was INSANE! It is always dead the day after Thanksgiving, so Carrie only scheduled herself and I to work the whole day because Abby just transferred to East Chicago branch for full-time, and Andy wanted it off (So did I, but I always seem to get the shaft.) Anyway, so my almost 11 hour shift flew by because we were crazy busy. I'm not talking we were steady busy, I'm talking a constant line of 3-7 people inside the lobby, and constant arrival of cars at the drive thru. It was like this from the moment we opened the doors till about 2pm where we had thirty minutes to eat some pizza before it started up again till 4:30. Then it was just a steady flow for an hour, and the last thirty minutes were peaceful. So with lack of sleep, and crazy busy at work- I was beyond tired and had a terrible time falling asleep Friday night.

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