Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.

Monday, November 03, 2008

A Colts Win to Top off a Great Weekend!

So Friday was Halloween and Trick or Treat night in MC. Isabela went home from school with Taylor and they went trick-or-treating in her neighborhood. I had to work till 6:15 and trick or treating ended at 7 so I didn't even bother buying any candy to hand out this year. You do however have to check out Isabela's Halloween pictures when she gets them posted, the girls looked SPOOOOOKY...
Chris and I picked ISabela up at Taylor's house around 8:15. Then we went and grabbed some Jimmy John's (our first time taking Isabela there, can you believe it was just her first time getting it?) Anyway... we went to see EAGLE EYE on the 5Buck Club list and Chris and ISabela got to see that I do have a third 5buck Club card that says "FOREIGN EXCHANGE" as the name! haha... So the movie was really good, you should see it, and perhaps you can tell us if we missed what happened to the military guy that fell in the water, then got pulled out by the girl, does he die- does he get an award and we just missed him..???
Saturday I had to work till 1:15. It was weird because Carrie got a flat tire and I had to open the store by myself! I was not really that scared, but I was thinking "OMG if someone is in here hiding then they are going to torture me to death because I really do not have the first half of the vault combo!" All I could do till she got there was tell people "I'm sorry there has been an emergency, but someone is on there way. You can go to the Hwy20 branch down the road." But all was good, she got there shortly and that was that.
I came home from work expecting to go get some grub on our way out of town, but nope. Chris is such a cook genius...He pulled the stuff I bought too much of and made Potato Soup. Yum! I had an extra ham steak in the freezer, celery from when I made a DEE-LICIOUS Roast this week, Potatoes because we always have potatoes and onions because, yeah well we always have those too. And the milk was going to expire in two days... It was gooood. I love when he makes that soup.
Then we went to Danville, Mom bought some PAPA Murphy's pizza w/ cheesy bread and cinn sticks. It is always good. We eat some kind of pizza every time we go there. Usually it is Monicals, because it's the best. Then we watched TV and later played WORST CASE SCENARIO, SURVIVAL GAME. Chris and I were on a team, Mom and Bela were on a team. Chris and I were kicking butt and taking names, but then the tides shifted and mom and Bela made a comeback, and won by two spaces. CONGRATS you two!

We're putting our heads together for maximum brain power.

So I said I wouldn't post these, but just one...

Sunday Morning we all just hung around the house at first. Isabela woke up at 9 instead of 10 because of the time change. :) Dad let Chris take his new bike out for a spin. Dad traded in his Harley Roadster for.....this....

I'm ready to go start my day....

Mom took me to see Aunt Marianne's new house. It's very pretty as you can see.

Grandma came over for lunch after church. Kristina and I bailed early to pick Rachel up for her Ice Skating Performance.

70 Degrees outside, and there is REAL snow.... okay so it's from the Civic Center, but hey...

Kristina amazingly gets Rachel's short hair into a micro bun.
I knew them as the Danville Wings, now they are Danville Inferno. The hockey game was a blast, there was one big fight, and about 4 good smaller fights. But Danville Lost 2-8.

Rachel's Skate team performed during the first intermission.

Which means she got to sit with us for the rest of the game.

During the second intermission we played CHUCKAPUCK. okay Chuck-A-Puck. Here Bela is getting a little closer to throw it onto the ice. You want to get it as close to the center of the ice as you can.

LOOK at all those pucks! None of us won though, it was some one's Grandpa.
Rachel is an Einstein/Zombie after she took her well hair sprayed bun down.
We left for home right after the game to try and get back for the start of the COLTS game. We missed the first 20 minutes or so - real time, so not much of the actual game. The colts win was a perfect end to a fun weekend.

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