We had my families children's Christmas Party on Sunday. It was exciting because we spent the night at the hotel in Warren and hung out with the girls for a few. Then that morning, we picked up Austin and brought him to the hotel to swim for a little while with the girls. Mom, Casi and I went to do a little last minute shopping at WalMart, then we met the others at East of Chicago Pizza. Then we went back to Casi's and opened gifts... Here is what we got:
A beautiful sweater to wear to work.
... a HUGE inflatable Colts chair...

.. two colts folding chairs....

.. a colt's nightlight, a Colt's wreath and a colt's coffee mug.

I got gorgeous jewelry, a silver bracelet and earrings - my birthstone.

We both got DHS Vikings socks... I got pink house slippers...

.. Chris got three shirts, each with a matching tie...

.. We also got this Recipe Manager program so we don't have to keep all of our recipe's in a notebook, and we also got new silicone baking wear.

... Ashley picked out these wonderful cards that have Miracle on 34th Street DVD's in them.

... we also got a 5 piece luggage set... and the gift we really needed...

Thanks Fam! We had a wonderful time with you and we sure did enjoy opening so many gifts!
We really enjoyed being there watching you open all the gifts.