Saturday, May 30, 2009
Another New Link
A GrandSlam
Friday, May 29, 2009
Open Government Dialogue
Thursday, May 28, 2009
The many, many houses

4)An old picture. It is all falling down and trashed up now. This is one we just kept driving right on by.

6) Another Considering Pile contender. Not the most flattering of curb appeal, but it has a very open concept to the living room, nice bay like window, attached garage, decent sized rooms. Kitchen needs some major updates. Priced a little high.

7) Decent, but right on the corner of a major roadway - no thanks.
Devon's Birthday Party
Want to see a comedy act? Check out the Austin and Devon Show! So Funny! Listen right at the end after Austin starts the joke, then does one more thing (I'm not spoiling it) you'll ever so slightly hear Devon making another sound - it's so cute!
Pictures From Mama Wests Visit
Finally pictures are up and loaded! Here are the pictures from Cathy's visit this month. Enjoy, see more by clicking here.
Yard Treasures
Saturday, May 23, 2009
We'll be having fun, fun, fun
Today we have a list of random things to do ... like.... we are we going to be patrons of the Farmer's Market right around the corner from the apartment. It is every Saturday till Noon. We also have to go pick up a nice wooden bunk bed set from a lady here in MC. I am on IndianaFreeAdsForAll on Yahoo groups, and she posted them for sale. I emailed her that we were interested because we want to adopt siblings, and they would be of great use, she replied - You can HAVE them with no charge for having a heart to adopt siblings. Then Chris really needs some new walking shoes to run around in, hopefully I can drag him to the mall to look for a pair. After that I'm not sure what we are going to do other than return the RedBox and staighten up the house. Maybe we can go for a bike ride if the storms hold off.
Tonight (or early tomorrow morning) we are going to Casi's house for Devon's Birthday party. It is on Sunday, but Chris and I want to take the boys to play at Chuck E Cheese's. Then Chris wants to set up tents in their woods and have a fire for S'mores. Everything sounds like fun this weekend - Hope you all have a grrreat holiday weekend!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
The Week
Thursday Chris and I picked Cathy up at the airport in Chicago. Then we went to IHOP, and then to Brent and Amanda's. We hung out at their house, ate DOS and Custard Cup. Chris and I left very early in the morning because I had to work Friday.
Then Saturday we went to Leeann's graduation in Galesburg. It was great spending time with the family this week. After the party Chris and I drove to Willabell's to visit with her. We always stop by to say hello when we are in town. Chris fixed her toilet and she told me stories of her sister. After that we met Kevin and LeeAnn at the theater to see Star Trek - which we are not Trekkie's, but OMG it was such a great movie. I'm glad Amanda recommended it, and I'm glad Kevin wanted to see it. It's a movie we never would have went to see otherwise. That night we slept at Grandma and Grandpa West's house. After breakfast Chris and I picked Cathy up from her Girls weekend in Geneva, IL. Such a beautiful town, like a town sized flea market inside houses.
Cathy spent the night at our house. We played on computers, drove around to look at houses and got some DQ. I'll post pictures once I am able to get them loaded.
From Grrr to YAY!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Oh how sweet it is...
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Mother's Day!
On Sunday we met up Kristina and the girls early in the morning for some geocaching fun! The girls even participated in the Cache In Trash Out initiative. Simple as it sounds, pick up and throw trash while you have fun caching. We found SIX caches, including three which the girls have hidden. They have some of the most fun caches we've ever found.
Then with about an hour to get ready we went our seperate ways and got dressed for Mother's Day dinner. We went to The Covered Bridge Restaurant in Eugene, Indiana - and it was packed - but it's SUPERDEE-DUPERDEE GOOOOOOD. Great homecook meals Chris had Chicken Noodles which were great - but not great like grandma's. I had a beef manhattan and it ROCKED! Yum! Then we got some pictures at the covered bridge. Both my sisters and sister-in-laws got cards. My grandma got a card and a picture and mom got a card and a butterfly necklas. (Dinner of course too was on us for Mother's Day) Enjoy the pictures.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Isabela's Family Visit!
Isabela's Family drove in for a quick visit that Chris and I loved! It was soooo great to get to meet her parents and grandparents and Felipe. I got all the pictures loaded - You can view them by Clicking Here. They arrived on Wednesday and Chris made a huge dinner with Ribs, Corn on the Cob, Veggetables, Salad and Fruit. We had to bring the patio furniture inside to have enough table space for everyone to eat. Then we sat around and chatted for a long while. The parents and grandparents left and Isabela, Felipe and us watched Yes, Man before going to bed. We woke up early and headed for Chicago. We walked through Millenium Park, took a ride on Metra, missed our train, waited for the next one to take us back and then enjoyed the Shedd Aquarium. Chris and I treated Isabela and Felipe to a Cubs game that evening. It was a BLAST...even though they lost it was a good game until the 10th inning. So we were happy. On Friday I had to work, but the girls went shopping, while the boys checked out Chris' employment (I can't type it because they monitor for the word haha). I got off at 2 and met up with them for lunch at Arby's. Then we went to the Harley shop. I brought Isabela and Felipe back to the house so she could get ready for her big surprise at the Boys & Girls Club. Then we had a wonderful dinner at a country club in New Buffalo, and a small party at the Blue Chip with balloons and ice cream to follow. Enjoy our pictures, I'll have more Cubs pictures later and a video of us singing "Take me out to the ball game!"
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Having a Virus Sucks
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Tigger No Like Us No More
On Wednesday this week Chris took Tigger to the Vet for HIS check up. He has gained 2 pounds and now we have to limit food to a cup a day and put 1/4 teaspoon of some cod liver oil on the food. We have been doing 1/2 a cup late morning, and 1/2 a cup at night. Apparently Tiggs is also a good candidate for diabetes now. So he is a little upset that the bottom of his bowl is not covered at all times. He's been annoying and cries and cries till you cover the bottom of the bowl for the past few months, so I am going to buy him a smaller food dish this week to see if we can end that from happening.