A couple weekends ago we went to my friends' wedding. Scott is a friend from school After I moved to Danville, he let me go as his date to dances in Georgetown. Amanda grew up down the street from me in Georgetown - we played like everyday outside together. So it was double the wedding excitement for me, :)

"I do, I do, I do, I do"

Now they ride off into the sunset on a four-wheeler.
Chris donated money to dance with Amanda, and I donated to dance with Scott. (Thanks Terry for the cash!.. I guess technically Terry donated, but hey)
"Shake your groove thang, shake your groove thang - yeah, yeah, yeah..."
With Heather - Amanda's big sister.

Amanda showing off her wedding boots - ha ha I loved it!

The last of the wedding pictures. Me with my other family growing up. My best friend in school Megan, Mom 2 - and Dad 2- Love you guys!
Then we went to hang out with mom and Austin.

At yummy, yummy custard cup where Uncle Chris bought Austin a baseball hat ice cream bowl and I got the Dusty Devil Amanda (West ha ha) has got me ADDICTED to!

Then we went to Winter park to let Austin, er- Chris and Austin play for about 20 minutes before heading back to mom's to watch some TV.

The next day before we left for MC, Mom, Dad, Austin and Kristina all joined us for Chinese food. Austin likes eating his rice three pieces at a time - :)
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