Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Colts Game with Rachel & Ashley!

So MAYBE the Colts DID lose - It's only pre-season BAY-BAY! And we still had a blast at the game. Sat in our seats for the season - and then spent part of the game three rows from the field - Boo Yeah!

Chris at our private (and highly exclusive) tailgate party. :) We had Angus burgers, Macaroni Salad, Potato Salad and Chips.

Girls ready for some play!

Manning warming up.

Manning receiving the MVP trophy.

Holla Reggie! REGGIE - REGGIE!

Vinnie after good kick!

Ashley getting a boost from Uncle Chris to cheer.

Annd.... down ya go!

That's right - We ready to Scream!

The Blues are always a joy to watch...Watch Out Air Blue!

Bummer dude.

Oh, good. Air Blue is good and they still be friends.

Oh Isabela!!!! Do you see a certain handsome young man on that bench???

To name the obvious - Collie, Manning and Painter.

Gonzalez - and Gary Brackett The Man! OoooWwwwww.

Vinnie, Reggie and Coach Moore - Glad to see him still there...well...

What's football without some eye candy??? Huh, I didn't forget the boys.

Coach, Coach, Coach.

Manning talking biz-nez I'm sure.

Game Over -

Girls can't get any closer than that.

Yup. We Happy.