Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Part of the Brazil Pictures.

We stopped at a mansion which is now a museum. It once was the working place for the Presidents.

On the rocks in the gardens.

In the gardens of the mansion.

The mansion was beautiful. The door knobs are awesome.

The real picture.

The had OTIS elevators. Chris had to pose next to it.

A portrait of Isabela's favorite president.

This are the pajamas that the President was wearing when he commited suicide. If you look close, you can see the bullet hole near the pocket.

Isabela's College.

This is a drink...it is tea. (pronounced: Mah-Chee) ? We had some straight from the barrel and with lemon on the beach.

The Flowers we bought for Grandma. Dinner there was AMAZING!!!

Chris with the painted cow! haha!

Food at the Hippie Fair - OMG, this place was a blast! It is like our version of a flea market or the Covered Bridge Festival.

Eating our corn on the cob at the hippie fair.

Getting a snack. I know -lovely picture right?

That's better. Chris is addicted to Guarana - a Brazilian soda.

With Isabela in the street!

Getting ready to go up the cable cars to see Sugar Loaf. You have to go up one and then you can walk around, and then you get on another cable car to go up higher to another. It is really, really great. We highly recommend it.

This little cutie came out to say Hello.

Sugan Loaf was such an experience. One that we almost didn't take because I had such a terrible headache after the heat of the day at the hippie fair, and the bus ride to Sugar Loaf. Once I got some tylenol it was okay, but I had to use threats to convince them that I was fine and wanted to go. Plus, Chris wanted to go really bad.

Isabela knows how to pick 'em, lol. This guy that took this photo must be a photographer because he was like, "no, no - you got shadows. If you must look at the sun, you look at the sun." It was entertaining.

Family Portrait at Sugar Loaf before leaving.