Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Back to the Classroom!

I am so excited to be going back to school...as a teacher's aide! Thankfully, I am already an approved substitute, so I can start work on Monday and work as a multi-day substitute until the board meets again and approves my contract.

Now, I am about to log-in to the phone service and answer calls for Aber. and Fitch/Hollister. Who knows where that road may lead. I hate to quit so soon, but the school has better hours, and will be preparing for my own classroom in the future. I guess I'm slightly torn because I hate to think I just wasted the other companies time and money in training me... although... when I submitted my resume to them - I never changed the objective statement, which said "To gain working knowledge of the classroom..." So... maybe they should have known, lol.

ANNNNND.... the company just announced yesterday that all employees who are M-F - must swap out a weekday for a weekend. Everyone was really upset and the "boss" refused to even discuss it, saying we were all told about the upcoming change when we interviewed..which I know I wasn't, so I can only believe that the other people were not either....so... I don't think I really want to continue working for a company that is going to steam-roll everyone like that anyway..

Can you tell I am trying to convince myself it is alright to quit? LOL