Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Catch Up

So Emilia went Trick or Treating tonight...and yum! She brought home lots and lots of candy!

Tomorrow is my first day working at the school. I start at 7:45 in the am, and I can not wait.

School is going much better. I'm sticking with the Science class. The instructor has offered enough extra credit that I can score a B in the class, and though I typically would not be happy with a B - It is just going to have to do because I don't want to have to pay for it again. I am at an 89.6 B in History, but as long as I get all the points for my discussion board posts when she grades them I will be in A range again easily. The Multicultural class is good. Had a scare where I thought she gave me a zero, was just a mistake where she forgot to save before submitting, but it was really a 57/60 - which I will happily accept.

Chris has enjoyed being in China, but I think that the he is about as ready to come home as I am to have him here. He went out for a steak the other night, because the real Chinese food was getting old.

I've lost my camera... not sure if Chris has it or not, but either way - we need a new one.