Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Leavin' and Cookin'

Chris is leaving for China this weekend. Emilia and I are taking him out to Chili's for our last dinner with him for a few days.

I think Saturday Emilia and I are going to try and visit a pumpkin patch so we can pick the perfect one for carving!

School is going alright. I am falling slightly behind in History with adjusting to working again, but I'm not too worried because that class is self paced all the way through. I think I am dropping the Science class. I should be able to attend the face-to-face class next semester. If so, that is what I plan to do. Have an a in History and Multi-cultural classroom courses. WooooHooooo!

We are on the prowl for Lion King tickets if anyone of you happens to find some decent priced ones laying around anywhere... =D

Tonight (Thursday the 21st, hehe) Emilia is making like 60 Cinnamon Rolls from her mom's recipe. Some are going with her to school, some are for the neighbors, but there should still be some left if you want her to freeze some for you, let me know.