Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Pot Roast Disaster

Sunday I decided to make Pot Roast for Emilia and I. After Amanda saved the day to email me the awesome recipe, I went to work. Luckily I did have most of the ingredients memorized, and what I didn't have memorized, I had at the house already. So I didn't need to make a second trip to the store.

So, I started off with getting my oil tooooo hot. Fixed. Apparently, medium on my stove is REALLY HIGH. Because before I even realized what was happening the smoke detectors were going off...yeah the detector right above the stove has got to go...

Now, the alarms have never gone off before, and of course, they are not just simply take the battery out and everything is silent... NOoooo... they are wired through the house to the very, very, very loud and embarrassing sound box on the front of the house..

Yes, the ENTIRE neighborhood was standing in their yards looking, parents from a couple house down sent their teenage sons to see what they could do to help. ANNNND, I had no flipping clue how to turn the alarm off. I had to run across the street and ask!!! That neighbor called the Scroggins, who we bought the house from, to tell me what to do.

Needless to say, I was pretty mortified. So, I just poured in the beef stock and the veggies and tossed it in the oven. I was over making the pot roast at that point. It was still good, but obviously not as great as it could have been with some flavoring, lol! But I didn't care.