Chris and Lara at the opening of the walkway to the museum from the parking lot.
It was too expensive (doubling the admission price plus 5 more dollars per person) to see the OUR BODY exhibit. We debated as a group and decided against it. Turns out to be a good thing because all you did was walk through a room filled with skinless statues and see brains in a container.
Chris and Dad bought all the kids a flattened penny that said HOT SPRINGS, and Mid America Science Museum.
Mom puts all the bones back into the body so we kids can play.
Chris found an extra bone!
Lara and Austin spent the most time at the Operation Game. Yeah that poor guy got zapped a time or two by us.
So we couldn't quite manage to get our picture with the snot actually dripping from the sinks nose, but hey, you can see his head behind us at least.
Dad, Kristina and Chris play a trivia game in the GROSS-OLOGY hallway. They had to know all about the gasses and bacteria in your body that cause you to burp, fart and puke! GROSS!
Casi pulls herself up on the double rope machines. We played on these for like 15 minutes. They were fun, and we were waiting for the laser light show doors to be opened. We did pay extra for this, and for the simulator ride.
Ashley gets a little help from Uncle Chris to make it to the top.
Uncle Chris and Ashley try to pump out some night crawlers. There was a landing of dirt that everyone was filling with water to get them wormies to the top.
We thought we were in heaven when we found the tunnel through a night crawlers body. Rachel takes a moment to see all the inside workings of the worm.
Okay, so maybe I was having a bit too much fun crawling through a worm.
Chris smiles as he crawls around in the belly of the worm.
Here comes Big Sis Kris.
Austin probably went through the worm a hundred times. Not that I can blame him, it was pretty cool.
Oh, there I took another picture of myself inside the worm.
Chris checks to make sure he can attract the electricity before we go to see the CAGED LIGHT SHOW. Those pictures are to dark to post right now. Hopefully someone in the family got better ones from their angles.
Austin tries to steal Uncle Chris' powers.
The kids run around (never mind that no running sign) on a station meant to show how gravity pulls you in towards the center. It was right during this that the storms outside knocked the power out. The generators came on, then powered off. We waited for a few minutes and no power came back on. We all headed down to the cafeteria to grab a snack. The power was back on by the time we got down there. Crazy that the storms would knock the power out- there was no rain, and the wind was not strong enough to stop us from eating outside and feeding the huge fish in the creek.
We made our way back to the museum and spent... oh about an hour playing in the ARKANSAS UNDERGROUND. It was a very cool play place that made you feel like you were, haha, under ground. I pretended to be on an adventure with Indiana Jones! jumping from rope to rope and climbing nets with skeletons below them. This is the only picture I got in there because it was very difficult to not hold on with both hands. Not to mention you have to crawl the entire way.
So you can't see it, but we know it's there. This was sand pendulum, it was way cool.
Once we got into the town of HOT SPRINGS we walked our way over to the BATH HOUSE ROW. We went inside and toured the FORDYCE Bath house.
I am going into the Cooling Room. The Bath houses were used as a therapeutic means to good health. This is actually the ladies Cooling room and this is where they would come to sit and read or socialize, or relax after their baths.

The girls really lost out on this one. The girls shower room was normal, and plain. The boys' had statues and this beautiful center fountain. It was much bigger and brighter than the ladies' shower room also.
The girls really lost out on this one. The girls shower room was normal, and plain. The boys' had statues and this beautiful center fountain. It was much bigger and brighter than the ladies' shower room also.
Chris discovered the Bath House used OTIS ELEVATOR- Why is this so interesting? Because it is a sister company to Sullair under Hamilton-Sunstrand. (I'm sure I misspelled that, but...)
The next day it was time to head home. We had one last stop to make and it was at the William J. Clinton Presidential Library... or... Bill Clinton's Museum.... Chris and Rachel go right to the limo sitting in the middle of the room. Here they displayed all of the Secret Service devices that help keep the president safe.
Chris spent most of his time at the library looking through the daily schedule of the president. It was pretty interesting. Everyday, the entire was scheduled out minute by minute... from time spent in the car, to how many minutes it took to walk down a certain hallway. It was crazy, crazy.
The OVAL OFFICE. No one was allowed into the Oval Office... but Chris wants to let any inquiring minds know that Monica was not under the desk and she did not leave her dress. :)

So, we're driving home and Chris see's a Big G truck. He passes the truck and wakes me up with his hooting and hollering. We passed his DADDY on the road! We stop at the next exit to say hello and let the kids check out his semi.
Chris and Lara
Now we are home to Danville. Saturday morning, Chris, Dad and Austin clean out the cars and wash Grandma's Van before taking it back to her.
Austin is a big helper with the hose. He had to scrub the mats and then spray them off. He also sprayed down the van for Dad and Chris to wash.
After the boys finished washing the van, the three of them, Casi and myself all headed out to Kickapoo Park. We rented Tubes to float down the river on. It was a 2 1/2 mile trip down river. It was a lot of fun. We got pictures with a water camera and as soon as those pictures get forwarded to me, I will post them.
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