Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Last Weekend....

We did make it to Kokomo. We did not get there as early as we would liked because I called into work for a couple hours while Abby took her son to the hospital. He had an ear infection. Chris has the old Jeep Comanche up and running. We bought $100 in parts for the brake and a new battery... she running good.

Chris' family is coming up and over this weekend. (Wish you could be here Thom, Heidi and Matthew) We are hoping to the JetSki out on Lake Michigan this weekend. It's cold today, but it is supposed to be warming up tomorrow. Everyone is on their way here, while I sit alone, updating this blog. { It's easy Cassandra- see that register button at the top? First step is to click it :) }

Anyway here are a few pictures from this past weekend...

Devon at Outback in KOKOMO.. TOO CUTE!


Austin wanted his picture with Aunt Lara too, so we worked it out.

Chris politely telling me, I'm being annoying with the camera.
She totally could have been a model, just look at my sis?

Austin turns into a totally daddy's boy when he gets shy.
Out at Martha and EB's house, DEVON is actually the photographer of this shot and several others. He knows how to point and work a camera.

Another Devon shot.

Casi and Austin are getting into trouble...

Casi cuts down parts of the Cherry tree to take home with her. Thief... Some bird worked really hard to plant that tree by the creek.

Uncle Chris and Devon jumping around doing DOUBLE KNUCKLES to everyone, everywhere.

Devon even does them with nobody to bump him.
There the boys are doing Double Knuckles together.

Austin took this great shot of Aunt Lara.
Austin gets a picture of Uncle Chris taking a pose in EB's work barn.

..and Austin catches Aunt Lara sitting on his old power wheel pretending to drive like crazy... (He is on to bigger and better and faster ones now-a-days)

Austin used a puzzle box to house the crickets that he caught. There were two, a baby and a momma. He says they are not related because he found them in two different spots as he releases one, but says he is keeping the other.

Austin took this shot and said, "THAT IS THE GROSSEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN!!!"

Chris wheels around the dinning room at Martha and EB's in Shane's Grandma's wheel chair... he is so getting in trouble when Martha sees this...

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