Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Steffen Family Visit!
Fuuuunnn Weeekend! Friday we grilled, went shopping at the outlet, watched HOT FUZZ and ate Sugar Creme Pies. Saturday we slept in, Mitch and Tess made breakfast, then Mitch washed dishes (who could ask for better house guests, I felt like a slacker on the hosting front, but they insisted,) we all helped dry and put away. Then we made sandwiches for the beach and away we went. Then we went to dinner and the Drive-In to watch G-Force. They are such a fun family!!

New LapTop
Yessss!!! We broke down and bought a new lap top. It is a Toshiba....and with my awesome working knowledge of computers... It is a 17 inch monitor like our other one, but it is much lighter. The fan is quiet, unlike our other one. It has a built in web cam, which is new to me. You can also set it up for facial recognition which we've learned is very testy...light has to be just right. Soo.. we're agreeing that we like it!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Weekend in IL
We spent the weekend in IL - Boys sang and danced great at VBS, we went to visit Kris and the girls at work for the Cafe on the Lawn, Saturday - Girls won the championship!!! woooo!! We went to Monicals w/out them to celebrate (They left for vacation right after the game.) Casi, Devon and I took a walk on Sunday morning, Chris changed my brakes, and looked at my window on the car. Then he fixed mom's Internet. We had a blast!

Sunday, July 19, 2009
My weekend at the Inlaws
Test Post. I added this page to my Igoogle account. Lara expects that now that it is on my home page that I will be more apt to using it. That would require that I actually use the home page for what it was intended and we all know I will not be doing that.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Mom and Dad's House
So we decided last minute to drive to D-ville to watch Devon and Austin's Vacation Bible School final performance. Oh man, Austin loves the songs he really gets into them. He was great. Devon did great too. He walked back to where we were all sitting a few times, he wanted Uncle Chris come to sit upfront with him for the songs and games. Sssooo, like a good Uncle, he did and I think he had A LOT more fun than any adult (not part of the show) would have had.
Today Chris has a lot to do. In the morning, he has to change the back brakes on my car. Then he has to fix the back drivers-side window. Don't ask me how, but it managed to fall off the track, now it just slides down while driving. (This just started yesterday while he was driving my car, I never had it happen) :p
This afternoon we are going to watch the girls play softball, it's the big CHAMPIONSHIP game! ::::GOOD LUCK GIRLS:::::: We'll be cheering you on!
Today Chris has a lot to do. In the morning, he has to change the back brakes on my car. Then he has to fix the back drivers-side window. Don't ask me how, but it managed to fall off the track, now it just slides down while driving. (This just started yesterday while he was driving my car, I never had it happen) :p
This afternoon we are going to watch the girls play softball, it's the big CHAMPIONSHIP game! ::::GOOD LUCK GIRLS:::::: We'll be cheering you on!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Still at Large
Another day gone and one murderer and serial rapist still at large. I like how they just "call off the search" and everyone goes home with these guys running around. I mean I understand that it's not safe for any of them, less safe at night, but the guys are trapped in a small wooded area surrounded by homes. Shouldn't they take patrol walking the perimeter with the dogs just to be sure they stay in the woods tonight? We're a little over 2 miles away, I sure don't want them in my backyard anytime soon. I know, I know I don't know everything really going on, but...
This ain't no joke
It's made national news on smaller scale I guess...but three inmates escaped from the prison here this past weekend. One was caught at Mayor Daley's house just outside of town in Michigan. They are assuming it was just chance that they would be arguing over stealing a car just outside his residence where a security guard for the property spotted them. We all assumed the others would keep on going. Yesterday Chris said he heard someone spotted the other two on Karwick rd.
Just out of curiosity today on my day off, I turn the scanner on. They are still "in pursuit". I hear of groups walking south and north and then reaching a certain point then they start again, and again. Abandoned houses are being gone through, they found foot prints that disappear into the creek, then 'fresh' footprints coming from the creek.
Officers are obviously bored at their posts as one just asked, "I'm here at the parking lot, do I need to stay put, or would I be of better assistance elsewhere?"
Then someone responds, "We got search groups coming all through that area, maintain position."
and the officers voice is just as disappointed as all get out, "roger that".
Anyway, I think two were serving time for murder and one for rape. One of the murderers was caught...makes for an intersting day off.
Just out of curiosity today on my day off, I turn the scanner on. They are still "in pursuit". I hear of groups walking south and north and then reaching a certain point then they start again, and again. Abandoned houses are being gone through, they found foot prints that disappear into the creek, then 'fresh' footprints coming from the creek.
Officers are obviously bored at their posts as one just asked, "I'm here at the parking lot, do I need to stay put, or would I be of better assistance elsewhere?"
Then someone responds, "We got search groups coming all through that area, maintain position."
and the officers voice is just as disappointed as all get out, "roger that".
Anyway, I think two were serving time for murder and one for rape. One of the murderers was caught...makes for an intersting day off.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
... okay I know that's not right, but I'm too lazy to look it up. Anyway...
I could be the official idiot of all summer course takers. In my Sociology class we took a test last week, we got it back Monday. I know my answer was right, but it was marked wrong. (There were actually two questions I was debating on, but used my better judgement to let it go.)
So after we took the test today, I asked if she minded explaining to me why my answer was wrong - I mean it's multiple choice for cryin' out loud! - She said okay, I showed her the question:
"The common Ideology of a class system states that success and wealth is typically an indication of:
A. sheer luck
B. family background
C. flaws of society
D. personal talent and effort
I answered D - because clearly written in my class notes (and clearly in the text) it states: Class systems are based on birth and individual achievement...they have an ideology of MERITOCRACY which defines wealth as something to be won and poor as personally undeserving."
Her answer: Sheer Luck.
So I asked, "But I thought Caste systems would be luck. Class systems have to allow for social mobility or how is Michael Jackson famous?" (She used him as an example to explain social mobility. hence they were poor nobodies, and now rich and famous)
Her response: "Well that's what the manual says the answer is."
So... this peeves me just a little bit.... she's not even interested in the correct answer. If she just would have said, here let me look again and got her book out, or asked me to show her why I thought the manual was wrong - and had I been wrong at least I would have the proof, still not happy, but I'd know.
I bite my tongue and walk back to gather my stuff. Then as she smiles so joyfully at me, I say, "You know different people write chapters of the book, tests and the answer key. I bet sometimes a mistake gets overlooked. And if you can't tell me why it's wrong, shouldn't the test reflect what you taught us in class?"
NOW: She doesn't say anything. she just opens her grade book and changes it. Then I offer to get my book out to show her why I think it's right. "No, no it's done. I changed it. You got your one point back." ::::of course by now, I may have had a few immature feelings of just proving I am right:::: I get my book out and yippee Skippie I even have it highlighted.
But let's talk real-world here - she can still find a way to crush my GPA - I mean she offers no homework, no extra credit, the only points you get are the tests - so yes, I wanted my point... but now I feel terrible.
Am I right? Does that not look like the correct answer? Sheer Luck!?!?! - Caste Systems really aren't even luck because most are born poor and have no chance to change - they'd be more family back ground if those were the options I was given.
grrr...grrr....grrr...and one more grrr.....
I could be the official idiot of all summer course takers. In my Sociology class we took a test last week, we got it back Monday. I know my answer was right, but it was marked wrong. (There were actually two questions I was debating on, but used my better judgement to let it go.)
So after we took the test today, I asked if she minded explaining to me why my answer was wrong - I mean it's multiple choice for cryin' out loud! - She said okay, I showed her the question:
"The common Ideology of a class system states that success and wealth is typically an indication of:
A. sheer luck
B. family background
C. flaws of society
D. personal talent and effort
I answered D - because clearly written in my class notes (and clearly in the text) it states: Class systems are based on birth and individual achievement...they have an ideology of MERITOCRACY which defines wealth as something to be won and poor as personally undeserving."
Her answer: Sheer Luck.
So I asked, "But I thought Caste systems would be luck. Class systems have to allow for social mobility or how is Michael Jackson famous?" (She used him as an example to explain social mobility. hence they were poor nobodies, and now rich and famous)
Her response: "Well that's what the manual says the answer is."
So... this peeves me just a little bit.... she's not even interested in the correct answer. If she just would have said, here let me look again and got her book out, or asked me to show her why I thought the manual was wrong - and had I been wrong at least I would have the proof, still not happy, but I'd know.
I bite my tongue and walk back to gather my stuff. Then as she smiles so joyfully at me, I say, "You know different people write chapters of the book, tests and the answer key. I bet sometimes a mistake gets overlooked. And if you can't tell me why it's wrong, shouldn't the test reflect what you taught us in class?"
NOW: She doesn't say anything. she just opens her grade book and changes it. Then I offer to get my book out to show her why I think it's right. "No, no it's done. I changed it. You got your one point back." ::::of course by now, I may have had a few immature feelings of just proving I am right:::: I get my book out and yippee Skippie I even have it highlighted.
But let's talk real-world here - she can still find a way to crush my GPA - I mean she offers no homework, no extra credit, the only points you get are the tests - so yes, I wanted my point... but now I feel terrible.
Am I right? Does that not look like the correct answer? Sheer Luck!?!?! - Caste Systems really aren't even luck because most are born poor and have no chance to change - they'd be more family back ground if those were the options I was given.
grrr...grrr....grrr...and one more grrr.....
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Finished - and Glad I did
I have finally finished the Twilght Saga books, now I can't wait for the movies! However, I have to agree with Kelly that the book was much better than Twilight the movie. I thought it was a good movie, but I watched it before I read the series...had I read the book first, I probably would not have liked the movie as much at first. I'm glad I finished the last book, Breaking Dawn, it did have an ending I could live with (haha). Now I'm Reading "Shatter" by Michael Robotham (it's been slow going these first 2 chapters. Then I'm going to be reading "The Red Wolf Conspiracy" by Robert VS Redick - I've read some "sample" chapters, we'll see... maybe I'll start a seperate blog about the books I'm reading... hmm...
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Great News
-The lap-top can be saved! All that happened was a RAM chip broke when it fell. So we are having that replaced and upgraded to the maximum. It should be ready early next week because they had to order it.
Last night we went to watch Transformers 2 - I don't care what everyone says, I liked it... but that's really not saying much. There are few movies that I don't like. We also got some yumyum Mexican food from El Bracero's! We hung out with Greg, who works with Chris.
Thursday I made my pie crust and Friday morning I made the filling. I made 5 Sugar Creme Pies and ooohhhhh are they good! I need to work on getting the crust a little thinner, but I'm happy with the results. The kids from upstairs watched as I made the crusts before they got called back upstairs by their dad. Their grandma is going to be staying with their dad for a month. She is from South Carolina. They asked if I would bring their grandma a pie on Sunday... so I will.
Today at work I got called every nasty name in the book for asking the guy for his ID. He stared at me before he said anything. This made me think, "hmm... maybe I should know him." I asked Kelly if she knew him - no. Then he started in on me, "This is Ridiculous you stupid (choice words) banker..." When he took a breath I apologized and tried to quickly explain that it is for his protection - it might as well been *blah,blah,blah* to his ears. Then he demanded that I write my name and address on his receipt... yeah right! I assumed he meant for it so he could complain that I asked for his ID- so I told him, my teller number will be on your receipt, and that is how they will identify me. Apologized again for the inconvenience and got stared at again for about 30 seconds before I walked away from the window. He sat there for about 2 more minutes before he drove away. I told Kelly, "well I'm glad I don't cry anymore when I get cussed at for not knowing someone." Carrie told me about a million times when I first started that people will be angry when I ask for it, but I should ask them, "Excuse me, but do you know my name?" Hahaha, that rough side of being a teller... asking for ID!
Chris and I have both been hitting the tanning bed so we won't be reflecting, blinding tourist on vacation. I have decided that August is way too far into the year to be taking a vacation. Next year it needs to be much earlier than this.
Last night we went to watch Transformers 2 - I don't care what everyone says, I liked it... but that's really not saying much. There are few movies that I don't like. We also got some yumyum Mexican food from El Bracero's! We hung out with Greg, who works with Chris.
Thursday I made my pie crust and Friday morning I made the filling. I made 5 Sugar Creme Pies and ooohhhhh are they good! I need to work on getting the crust a little thinner, but I'm happy with the results. The kids from upstairs watched as I made the crusts before they got called back upstairs by their dad. Their grandma is going to be staying with their dad for a month. She is from South Carolina. They asked if I would bring their grandma a pie on Sunday... so I will.
Today at work I got called every nasty name in the book for asking the guy for his ID. He stared at me before he said anything. This made me think, "hmm... maybe I should know him." I asked Kelly if she knew him - no. Then he started in on me, "This is Ridiculous you stupid (choice words) banker..." When he took a breath I apologized and tried to quickly explain that it is for his protection - it might as well been *blah,blah,blah* to his ears. Then he demanded that I write my name and address on his receipt... yeah right! I assumed he meant for it so he could complain that I asked for his ID- so I told him, my teller number will be on your receipt, and that is how they will identify me. Apologized again for the inconvenience and got stared at again for about 30 seconds before I walked away from the window. He sat there for about 2 more minutes before he drove away. I told Kelly, "well I'm glad I don't cry anymore when I get cussed at for not knowing someone." Carrie told me about a million times when I first started that people will be angry when I ask for it, but I should ask them, "Excuse me, but do you know my name?" Hahaha, that rough side of being a teller... asking for ID!
Chris and I have both been hitting the tanning bed so we won't be reflecting, blinding tourist on vacation. I have decided that August is way too far into the year to be taking a vacation. Next year it needs to be much earlier than this.
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Independence Day
Hope everyone had a grrrreat Independence Day, even if we only use it as an excuse to watch fireworks now. Chris and I went to the Laporte Fair Grounds to watch fireworks (we enjoy them too yes, I know I sound like a hypocrite) and I heard this little boy ask his mom, "Mom why do we only watch fireworks like this once a year?" and her response.......:::drum roll:::: "Because it's the Fourth of July!" Ha! and that's it - yes we call it the Fourth of July - but he wanted to know why we celebrate it! I understand just giving your kid an answer to avoid the frustration of them not understanding the real importance of the Holiday - especially in public with lots of commotion going on. My problem is this child was like 10 years old, not four! Hopefully I'll be one of the teachers that remembers to teach this stuff during a history lesson or two with the ability to make it STICK IN THOSE BUSY, BUSY MINDS of children. Okay - I'm done.
Laptop = Dead
Soooo I dropped my laptop (big surprise there) and now when I go to start it is says "No operating system found." I am using one of Chris's extra work laptops. However, it's not very advanced and really s---l----o----w. I miss my laptop already. Chris has not had time to look at it yet, I hope we just need to reinstall something (you know me and computer stuff, I'm not bright.) So I guess I am not posting pictures again until it gets fixed. :(
Sunday, July 05, 2009
Just call this "The Death Blog"
Let's pray that the death clouds have moved on from people I know now. Like seriously! At the bank we had a customer that was 19 and just one morning didn't wake up and his girlfriend just had a baby the week before. (we later found out it was drugs) Then, we have an old lady customer whose adult daughter and son-in-law bank with us, their son had been driving the grandma around for months and bringing her to the bank. One day he just died (They never did say why nor was there a memorial service for him.)

NOW TODAY - I learn that my bestest of all best friends from high school has passed away. Jamie Hundley called me last night and left me a message to call her, and she was like ..."so what happened to Joe?" and I'm like, "what do you mean?" and she's like "mom said he died this week." And I'm like, "no...no...My mom would have called me. there's no- well let me look online..." and there was his senior picture in the obituaries.
Joe was the best friend you could ask for, even was my roomate out on Batestown road after graduation. Sounds sterotypical, but he was always there, always offering suggestions, always dropping everything to be where he was needed. I'm going to miss chatting with him. RIP.
Saturday, July 04, 2009
Our Favorite Sales Guy
We were very sad to hear that Billy Mays passed away last weekend. Is it a sick and twisted wrong that we still love saying, "Hi, Billy Mays Here!" ? Because we do.
Anyway, I morbidly enjoyed seeing the Oxy-Clean shirts at his funeral. We're going to miss him yelling at us through the TV to sell us things we didn't want till he told us we needed them.
Anyway, I morbidly enjoyed seeing the Oxy-Clean shirts at his funeral. We're going to miss him yelling at us through the TV to sell us things we didn't want till he told us we needed them.

Thursday, July 02, 2009
Michael Jackson
So I haven't said much on Michael Jackson because it's not really huge news to me....but... there is a really cool video of him rehearsing just 2 days before he died, and I watched and thought... hmm.... would have been a rocking good show. Check it out here .
I think I can honestly say that I would not be who I am today without this song in the Free Willy movie.
Hahaha - I still love it Free Willy is the best.
I think I can honestly say that I would not be who I am today without this song in the Free Willy movie.
Hahaha - I still love it Free Willy is the best.
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Candice & Dinu's Wedding
Who doesn't love Candice and Dinu?
Saturday we went towards Kokomo to celebrate Candice and Dinu's Commitment to one another. It was Beautiful! Not only was the day beautiful, but everything about the ceremony and reception. We got to see a lot of people we hadn't seen in a looooong while, it was nice.
Dinu takes his place for the ceremony.

Candice and her father, Tim - I love the way she is looking at Dinu!

Tim also performed the ceremony.

They said their own vows, and here they are - Mr. and Mrs. Nechita.

Our first stop after the wedding was to Leslie Shuck (Forgot the new married name!) Anyway - We kidnapped her 7 week baby Josiah Elvin (and the new married name I forgot!) His nickname: Joey. We only gave him up when I saw another lady eyeballing' him for like 30 minutes. I finally gave in.

Chris talked with Nathan for a long time!

We all know Candice can sing, just visit the link Songs By Candice, but Dinu proved he could sing too. It was in Romanian, and must have been a sweet love song for his Bride because she ran and gave him the biggest kiss afterwards.

Family photo time! Candice and her dad pose on the bike.

Haha, During the family photos- Chris and I filled Dinu's car with balloons per Kay and Aaron's request. Those things are very hard to blow up - good thing Chris had good lungs :)~ (I know, I know)

Shortly Later, Kay wanted to silly string something... so she put a cloth over Dinu's car and let 'er rip.

However, when that didn't satisfy her silly stringin' desire - she turned to Candice's' car - the inside of it!

Saturday we went towards Kokomo to celebrate Candice and Dinu's Commitment to one another. It was Beautiful! Not only was the day beautiful, but everything about the ceremony and reception. We got to see a lot of people we hadn't seen in a looooong while, it was nice.
Dinu takes his place for the ceremony.
Candice and her father, Tim - I love the way she is looking at Dinu!
Tim also performed the ceremony.
They said their own vows, and here they are - Mr. and Mrs. Nechita.
Our first stop after the wedding was to Leslie Shuck (Forgot the new married name!) Anyway - We kidnapped her 7 week baby Josiah Elvin (and the new married name I forgot!) His nickname: Joey. We only gave him up when I saw another lady eyeballing' him for like 30 minutes. I finally gave in.
Chris talked with Nathan for a long time!
We all know Candice can sing, just visit the link Songs By Candice, but Dinu proved he could sing too. It was in Romanian, and must have been a sweet love song for his Bride because she ran and gave him the biggest kiss afterwards.
Family photo time! Candice and her dad pose on the bike.
Haha, During the family photos- Chris and I filled Dinu's car with balloons per Kay and Aaron's request. Those things are very hard to blow up - good thing Chris had good lungs :)~ (I know, I know)
Shortly Later, Kay wanted to silly string something... so she put a cloth over Dinu's car and let 'er rip.
However, when that didn't satisfy her silly stringin' desire - she turned to Candice's' car - the inside of it!
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