Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Independence Day

Hope everyone had a grrrreat Independence Day, even if we only use it as an excuse to watch fireworks now. Chris and I went to the Laporte Fair Grounds to watch fireworks (we enjoy them too yes, I know I sound like a hypocrite) and I heard this little boy ask his mom, "Mom why do we only watch fireworks like this once a year?" and her response.......:::drum roll:::: "Because it's the Fourth of July!" Ha! and that's it - yes we call it the Fourth of July - but he wanted to know why we celebrate it! I understand just giving your kid an answer to avoid the frustration of them not understanding the real importance of the Holiday - especially in public with lots of commotion going on. My problem is this child was like 10 years old, not four! Hopefully I'll be one of the teachers that remembers to teach this stuff during a history lesson or two with the ability to make it STICK IN THOSE BUSY, BUSY MINDS of children. Okay - I'm done.

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