Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.

Wednesday, November 06, 2013

A Ghostly Day

Ok, Not so ghostly, but K had a blast playing with her Colts Inspired Football Bin. It included the blue rice she made previously, a blue sucker, a blue tootsie roll, three blue bead necklaces, a bead necklace with a noise clapper type bell attached to it, white pond rocks, four mini footballs, and a blue marker with blue paper. (5 days later and she is STILL playing with it.)

Here is where the GHOST fun begins....It started with a super messy combination of shave cream, baking soda, and corn starch. (Which she mixed)

After she got it all mixed up, I formed it into the shape of a ghost, and added some blue stones as eyes.

After she demolished the ghost, I gave her some small toys (a glow stick, a little tea cup, and a spoon) to play with.  After a few minutes, she added some of the blue rice from the football bin for an extra element of fun.

Nearly 2 HOURS later, she was finally bored with the stuff, so then I gave her a squirt bottle with vinegar, and an old liquid dish soap bottle of vinegar, and let her go to town spraying the gunk. Now, it's foamy gunk, and she was tickled with excitement. in total we probably spent close to three hours with this one. (Which was great, because for some reason the day was going really slow!)

After we cleaned up and took a bath (next time, remove her clothes and shoes- what-a-mess!) - we made banana ghost snacks with Chocolate chip eyes! Every bite took out an eye, so she had to replace it with another chocolate chip...so our healthy snack wasn't quite so healthy...but that's alright.

When daddy got home he helped make the cotton ball ghost.

I don't think I posted this activity, because it was an on-the-fly thing while we were outside... here we painted with acorns that K collected from Rory's Park. We put the paper in a box, and puddled some paint around the edge, then dropped the acorns in and tilted the box every which way to get them to roll around and create this beautiful painting.

A portion of our October work.

And some of our September crafts.


Another beautiful day to visit the park. This time we met up with our girl, Dagny.

K has a small obsession with "walking beams" and building the "tallest tower in the world".

K and daddy made their version of Disney's Monorail. (The train is actually one Chris got in China of the "Bullet")

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