Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.
Monday, March 31, 2008
To answer Amanda...
So to answer Amanda's question, we are going to IL this weekend to check out our "investment" which is Rachel's Ice Skating Recital. Chris and I said we would pay for 1/2 of each of the girls' skating lessons. Ashley didn't really like it so we ended up deciding to pay for all of Rachel's lessons. So Rachel's skating is our "investment". Her recital is Saturday night.
Austin's Birthday
Chris and I went to kokomo this weekend to check on the house, get our taxes done and the trip also included a little birthday bash for Austin!
The house is...decent... sadly the windows need to be replaced and they are an odd size we hear they will most likely be highly expensive. But hey it's still standing.
Mom and the girls drove over from IL and Casi and Shane drove down from FW and we met at Texas Road House (minus Casi and Shane) for dinner. As you can tell from the pictures above, the kids had a great time. Austin got so excited that he got THREE of the NEW FIVE DOLLAR BILLS! I showed him how to tell when money is real by holding it up to the light. He was so excited he told the waitress how to tell when bills are real and he ran across the isle and told the strangers who we obviously made curious because they were holding their bills into the light. It was a good time.
Chris and I went to Heartland on Sunday Morning. We must be missed because sooo many people stopped to talk to us, we were there almost 40 minutes after service let out talking to people.
Our former neighbors John and Eva gave us lots of goodies! John gave us like 200 canned goods and Eva gave us a sugar cream pie. We love Eva's pies. Mom and the girls stopped by the house on their way home from FW. They were just in time for pie! Ashley was asleep but came in later and Rachel ate two slices of pie and took one with her. Ashley decided to take the last slice on the road.
Once we got home Sunday we pretty much just hung out. I painted some tips on my nails while we watched 'The Italian Job'. They look good, usually I mess them up and just paint them a solid color. I'm happy with them.
The house is...decent... sadly the windows need to be replaced and they are an odd size we hear they will most likely be highly expensive. But hey it's still standing.
Mom and the girls drove over from IL and Casi and Shane drove down from FW and we met at Texas Road House (minus Casi and Shane) for dinner. As you can tell from the pictures above, the kids had a great time. Austin got so excited that he got THREE of the NEW FIVE DOLLAR BILLS! I showed him how to tell when money is real by holding it up to the light. He was so excited he told the waitress how to tell when bills are real and he ran across the isle and told the strangers who we obviously made curious because they were holding their bills into the light. It was a good time.
Chris and I went to Heartland on Sunday Morning. We must be missed because sooo many people stopped to talk to us, we were there almost 40 minutes after service let out talking to people.
Our former neighbors John and Eva gave us lots of goodies! John gave us like 200 canned goods and Eva gave us a sugar cream pie. We love Eva's pies. Mom and the girls stopped by the house on their way home from FW. They were just in time for pie! Ashley was asleep but came in later and Rachel ate two slices of pie and took one with her. Ashley decided to take the last slice on the road.
Once we got home Sunday we pretty much just hung out. I painted some tips on my nails while we watched 'The Italian Job'. They look good, usually I mess them up and just paint them a solid color. I'm happy with them.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Catching Up...
If Lara Had Bangs, She Would Look Like....

She had a really bad haircut! Don't worry, I'm leaving the thick bangs to the celebrities.
Oh, the things us girls must do...

It is not at all fun trying to curl all that hair! Neh, Don't mind the costume either!
But Chris thinks it turned out cute...

I had just gotten my layers put back in on Friday. Makes the curling feature look so much better!

Boy's got it sooo easy...add some gel and away he goes. Chris bought this shirt ensemble from Steve & Barry's - He has GRRRRREAT taste!

Aren't we cute?

Happy 31st Birthday Mike!

This is Jamie! Mike is in the Orange and Terry is in the Blue.

Mike proudly shows off his Transformer plates to match his Transformer cake.

...Then he proudly licks the butt of the transformer truck...

There's Terry again.

So I guess you can see we had fun at Mike's B-day party last Saturday. We actually started the party with conversation at Mike and Jamie's place in Lafayette. Then around 6pm Jamie surprised Mike by taking him to Hooters instead of Buffalo Wild Wings...I'd say all the guys liked Hooters better. Mike got a birthday card, which Chris got all the pleasure from *Ahem* but then Mike got a special birthday song from the Hooters Girls. Following dinner we went back to the house for cake ...partly because I left my camera, which the batteries died right before going to the indoor go-Kart track! It was $75 bucks for all of us to race two times. We bought a package so Chris and I paid 30, mike and Jamie paid 30 and Terry paid 15. I got lapped by Mike, Jamie and Chris on the first race... I probably would have been lapped by Terry also if he wasn't stuck behind me for the first four laps! I was excited that nobody lapped me on the second race...he he, I must have improved. After racing we headed to the Neon Cactus. This was about 10:30 so it was still kinda quite in the dance section but after looking around, Mike said, "They are just having way too much fun in there, I have to go see what's going on." So, in we went. The room is called the Rusty Bucket, it's host...The Piano Man. The people, CRAZY! It was a blast, We actually can't wait to go back. The people paid money to request songs be played and of course The Piano Man added his own lyrics from time to time making it hilarious. If you were caught doing anything other than singing, clapping and having fun then he called you out and made you perform all by yourself. Needless to say, We screamed and clapped like crazy!! Chris got the nickname- SWEATERGUY from the piano man. Jamie and I thought Mike was Sweater Guy, so when the guy asked which lady Sweater guy was with I pointed to her and she was all smiles... Chris pointed to me later when he referred to us again and he said "we got some California wife swapping going on here..." It's not our fault totally that we didn't know who was who- The table was round and Jamie and I had our backs to the boys and when we came in he was making fun of Mikes orange shirt! You just have to go there sometime. We left around 1:30 am when our side of the room lost the PARTY SIDE title a second time with no hope of getting it back.
Easter was pretty simple for us. We drove home from Lafayette then Chris napped while I did homework and then I made the Tenderloins we were going to eat earlier that week.
Chris and I rented Nancy Drew, Underdog and August Rush this week... we liked them all.
I also got my A back in EDU! I had 126 points out of 140 which gave me like a 90 B. Then Mrs. Ficken offered a 10 point extra credit assignment which I got all 10 points, and this Thursday's cognitive portfolio assignment was worth 20 points, and I got all 20 of them! Thanks Rachel for your help! Rachel has been the subject of my portfolio assignments. She had to take an IQ test online- which she scored an above average score of 115. And then she had to play a 20 question game with grandma using a deck of cards. She scored exceptionally well by finding the answer in only 7 questions. Yay!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
I'm one Proud Wifey!
Chris and I have finally made it back to the gym. We were half expecting Chris to have put his weight back on...buuuuuuut..... drumroll please (*)(*)(*)(*)209.5!
I'm so proud of him, he's proud- we're all happy! Only 26 more pounds to go! ***Although we have to give a special shout out to Momma West, Brent and Amanda for their support. If Mom wouldn't have brought it up, and Brent and Amanda wouldn't have set up the game plan and consistently ask about it....I would still be talking to deaf ears about it. So Thank Ya, Thank Ya!
More Cheerful Chris Progress!
Chris has been a nail biter for forever. And now he has decided to stop that nasty habit. So just for kicks he wanted to show off his nails...and he said to tell Aunt Dianna He Is Ready For His Manicure!
Just to throw this out there....Chris is waiting for me to finish this post so we can watch Nancy Drew (Redbox rocks!) and anyway, so he's watching Orange County Choppers and they show a five second clip of what's on the episode and they show a split second picture of a building and he's freaking out, "That's the new Stadium, that's the new stadium!!" By the time I look up it's gone. And they are showing some design boards and obvisouly not at the staduim. And the show starts and he says, "I know that was Lucas oil!" and it sure didn't seem that way but low and behold right after he said that you see the road signs to Downtown Indianapolis and they are filming there at the soon to be new home of the Indianapolis Colts. So I think it is safe to say that he's a little more than obssessed with the new stadium. Seeing as how he recognized it from a fraction of a second clip and the exterior is still unfinished- it was just a few bricks and metal beams! Perhaps a poster of the new staduim will suit him well for his birthday.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
So, It's Sunday...
So...we're thinking of something to do. We've been looking for something fun the whole morning... we woke up at 6:30ish and are just now getting around to moving around. (it is 10am!) we have been on the Internet looking for what's going on around town and in Chicago. We were wanting to go ice skating in Chicago since it is the last day for the outside rink in the park but I think we have decided to eat left over beef-n-noodles from last night and then go buy some El cheap~o kites and enjoy the 40something degrees weather at the park. Yeah it's still chilly but seriously- we need to spend some nature time outside.
I have next weekend off, but we don't have any real plans so if you have suggestions let us know! We are talking over going to kokomo and visiting Heartland because it is Easter Right?? They always have an amazing Easter schedule. Who knows at this point. We had a hard enough time deciding what we would be doing today.
Friday night was a blast! We went out about 6 and got chinese food from the A) Most expensive Chinese place around and B) the yummiest chinese food around. Then we rushed to buy our theater sized candy from Wal-Greens and made it to the movies to watch Fool's Gold with only three previews left! And we found decent seats although there were a lot more people in there than we thought there would be. That movie is funny! We liked it.
Last night I wanted to go to the Blue Chip and gamble away my ten dollars. But Chris decided we would go grocery shopping for beef-n-noodles ingredients and rent Fantastic 4 from the red box. We went to the NEW SUPER Wal-Mart in town. And for a brand new super wal-mart- it wasn't all that impressive. I had to get a ruler, they had no wooden rulers...are they banned from schools or just too expensive for wal-mart to sell? And I have been wanting to watch poseidon for a few days now and they didn't have it. :( Today we are going to stop by Hollywood video and see if they have it for sell while we are out buying our kites. :)
I have next weekend off, but we don't have any real plans so if you have suggestions let us know! We are talking over going to kokomo and visiting Heartland because it is Easter Right?? They always have an amazing Easter schedule. Who knows at this point. We had a hard enough time deciding what we would be doing today.
Friday night was a blast! We went out about 6 and got chinese food from the A) Most expensive Chinese place around and B) the yummiest chinese food around. Then we rushed to buy our theater sized candy from Wal-Greens and made it to the movies to watch Fool's Gold with only three previews left! And we found decent seats although there were a lot more people in there than we thought there would be. That movie is funny! We liked it.
Last night I wanted to go to the Blue Chip and gamble away my ten dollars. But Chris decided we would go grocery shopping for beef-n-noodles ingredients and rent Fantastic 4 from the red box. We went to the NEW SUPER Wal-Mart in town. And for a brand new super wal-mart- it wasn't all that impressive. I had to get a ruler, they had no wooden rulers...are they banned from schools or just too expensive for wal-mart to sell? And I have been wanting to watch poseidon for a few days now and they didn't have it. :( Today we are going to stop by Hollywood video and see if they have it for sell while we are out buying our kites. :)
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Another Week For Break Sk8?

So Casi and I have been way into rooting for the boys from Kokomo on MTV's Dance Show. As you can tell, I've found a hottie! So, I just thought that I would let everyone know that they were still on the show. You can see more pictures and watch videos at MTV.com. We'll see if they can make it through another week.
I missed only 2 points on my EDU test last week! I will get my test back today, but I am pretty sure I lost points on the middle section of the essay. I had a brain fart on Vygotsky...again. Just something about his theories that I can't remember.
I dropped and broke my cell phone! Not that, that is any kind of a surprise to anyone. My middle button does not work going to the left anymore and it is chipped. I need to check on the warranty and then possibly just find one on eBay. I'm so clumsy. Grrrr....
I got all but one load of laundry done today and my extra hours at work have finally paid off...in my pay check! It's double what it normally is. Which means that one credit card is getting dangerously close to being paid off. Hip, Hip, Hooray!
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Chris has made it home.
Chris finally made it home at 8pm last night....and I'm still a little under the weather this morning. Perhaps once we start cleaning I will start to feel better. I made a small mess this week while I was ill. You know, dirty pans from heating up food, dirty bowls, drink cups and open chip bags laying open. So it shold take us all of about 30 minutes to clean up. The laundry however will be the longest past of the clean up. I was going to do laundry this week from last week- but I didn't and now I have last weeks laundry and this weeks laundry. So we'll be getting started and finishing that today.
The end of this past week has been a sad one. Chris's cousins baby has passed away. We will be leaving Monday after work to head for the Funeral on Tuesday in Peoria. Chris has already gotten approval to go and Tuesdays are my school days and now that we have a full teller line, I don't have to work in betwen classes.
The end of this past week has been a sad one. Chris's cousins baby has passed away. We will be leaving Monday after work to head for the Funeral on Tuesday in Peoria. Chris has already gotten approval to go and Tuesdays are my school days and now that we have a full teller line, I don't have to work in betwen classes.
Friday, March 07, 2008
Chris has been having a blast in Canada this week, and I've been sick! Have I posted this before because I am having a total dejavu feeling right now...? Maybe I get sick when he is gone. When I was younger, I would get sick when I was away from my mom for a couple days. Like say when Kristina has something she has to do, so Dad, Casi and I drive to FL and Mom and Kris fly down later. I was sick in bed until the second that Mom walked in the door...literally, I wasn't pretending, I mean were going to THE Nick Studio. All I wanted was to get slimed! But aw-well. This time I know I seriously have what ever is going around. Fever, Cold Chills, "Fake" Cough, Running Nose, Stuffy Nose, One runny nostril, One stuffy nostril, burning eyes, head aches, ear aches, sore back, yadda, yadda, yadda.
I did however get good news this week about our move! The moving company has finally scheduled the dates to move us. Mid-April is all I can remember! Haha! Chris has the dates he called me at work to give them to me but I didn't write them down because we were busy at that moment. Thankfully the new girl, Abby, has finally started! Like me, she does not have any banking eperience, but she seems to be understanding what she is doing just fine. Next week will be awesome because I am finally back to my half days and three days off! Maybe I'll be able to pull my B in EDU to an A now that I will actually have time to focus on my reports and not just toss a portfolio assignment together. I got a 14 out of 20 on my last report because of stupid, stupid typing errors because I didn't have time to re-read and re-edit my paper. I got the maximum in points for every other section of the Rubik. I typed things like, "the world GOES round" and I forgot to put a SHE in two seperate sentences. These are mistakes that I don't make, and it cost me 6 points. Which brought me down to a high B. So I am SO thankful for the new girl to be so smart! I can actually do my homework.
Devon was in the hospital yesterday. He was dehydrated. X-rays showed no signs of the flu or anything else. He must have just had an upset stomach which caused him to get to the point he couldn't eat or drink anything. Weird but hey, that's what they say. He spent over 24 hours for observation just to be safe. Casi slept in the chair and Austin went to our Mom and Dad's house and will be there for the next couple nights.
I did however get good news this week about our move! The moving company has finally scheduled the dates to move us. Mid-April is all I can remember! Haha! Chris has the dates he called me at work to give them to me but I didn't write them down because we were busy at that moment. Thankfully the new girl, Abby, has finally started! Like me, she does not have any banking eperience, but she seems to be understanding what she is doing just fine. Next week will be awesome because I am finally back to my half days and three days off! Maybe I'll be able to pull my B in EDU to an A now that I will actually have time to focus on my reports and not just toss a portfolio assignment together. I got a 14 out of 20 on my last report because of stupid, stupid typing errors because I didn't have time to re-read and re-edit my paper. I got the maximum in points for every other section of the Rubik. I typed things like, "the world GOES round" and I forgot to put a SHE in two seperate sentences. These are mistakes that I don't make, and it cost me 6 points. Which brought me down to a high B. So I am SO thankful for the new girl to be so smart! I can actually do my homework.
Devon was in the hospital yesterday. He was dehydrated. X-rays showed no signs of the flu or anything else. He must have just had an upset stomach which caused him to get to the point he couldn't eat or drink anything. Weird but hey, that's what they say. He spent over 24 hours for observation just to be safe. Casi slept in the chair and Austin went to our Mom and Dad's house and will be there for the next couple nights.
Picture Update!
Here are all the pictures I've ben too busy too upload! You can view them all by CLICKING HERE for Jan/Feb or CLICKING HERE for March!
Pampered Chef Party at Jamie's!

This was actually towards the end of the party but I thought it made a great opening shot! You all Know Chris and then there is Jamie sitting on the floor and her man Mike in the chair. Ellen in on the coach with her back to us and I want to say that is Mikes sister with the brownish shirt and sitting in the folding chair. I played softball for a brief time with Ellens daughter Margaret and went to school with her son Matt. (I want to say I was a grade ahead of him but now it's not so clear--it was a long time ago and I switched schools and all that jazz!)

Chris, being Chris. He entertained us all with the duck puppet. I think we got this for Makenna and Amanda's babyshower in NC. I know we got two of them I just can't remember if we got the duck one...I think we did, I don't think the frog one worked at the store... (I think I am loosing my memory!)

Funny Jamie! Being silly! Jamie left me with a few surprise pictures on my camera!

This is me with my second family! That's Jamie and Mom Tonya and then there is me. It was sooooo GGGRRRRRRRREAT to see them again.

Chris and I were about to walk out the door when in came Dad Donnie! So we talked for a few more minutes and then we left...seriously.

One more shot of Jamie and I. We used to take these all the time like this and usually I was always missing a tooth somewhere!...perhaps I'll scan in those in one day.
Grandma Rocks! The Girls and Grandma do a quick experiment to see if they can really combine Red, White and Blue liquids and not get purple!

The red is in and now it is time for the blue. The girls watch on in total curiosity. Rachel thinks it can't be done while Ashley is afraid she might be right...

...Grandma apparently does know what she is talking about. The blue is sitting nicely on top of the red.

It is hard to see but the white is actually sitting on top of the blue. I want to say it was lots of ice, Cranberry Juice, Gatorade and Gingerale or sprite.
The Next Day with Makenna!

I actually only got one photo this time! It was a quick stop as we were on our way home and hair cuts that morning in danville had taken a very long time. Here's our girl with TAD.
I just wanted to show everyone my Garfield!

I did not set this up. Our cat is so fat this is how she sits. And she'll sit stright up like that in the middle of the floor too. I can't get a picture of that because she moves when I get up for the camera. We are trying to get her on a diet and keep her on one but she always finds away to open the food container... or she meow's and drives us crazy to the point of giving in. Any one got any suggestions?
Supercross Pictures!

First, this is the new Stadium. Here is what the Lucas Oil Stadium looks like now.

Supercross was the last ticketed event at the RCA Dome...??? That is what the announcer kept saying, but I would think there are more events between now and August....but I have not taken any time to look. But, we are pretty sure it was our last ticketed event at the Dome so we got our last picture taken with the Dome Entrance at Gate One.

The National Anthem. Chris and I were the first to stand up in our section when they brought the flags out. I asked Chris after a few moments, "Aren't you supposed to stand up when the flag is presented?" Yes, you are... but...well...

Here is the WORLD CHAMPS BANNER! Too bad there was not one for 2007, but at least it belongs to another Manning. ;)

The lady behind us was nice enough to ask if we wanted her to the picture for us! We got a few goofy looking ones where I am holding the camera out. Chris brought his scanner so he could here the pit crews talking and he brought the radio so we could actually here the announcer during the race! I mean...if we're going to wear ear plugs anyways, we might as well here what's going on.

Pampered Chef Party at Jamie's!
This was actually towards the end of the party but I thought it made a great opening shot! You all Know Chris and then there is Jamie sitting on the floor and her man Mike in the chair. Ellen in on the coach with her back to us and I want to say that is Mikes sister with the brownish shirt and sitting in the folding chair. I played softball for a brief time with Ellens daughter Margaret and went to school with her son Matt. (I want to say I was a grade ahead of him but now it's not so clear--it was a long time ago and I switched schools and all that jazz!)
Chris, being Chris. He entertained us all with the duck puppet. I think we got this for Makenna and Amanda's babyshower in NC. I know we got two of them I just can't remember if we got the duck one...I think we did, I don't think the frog one worked at the store... (I think I am loosing my memory!)
Funny Jamie! Being silly! Jamie left me with a few surprise pictures on my camera!
This is me with my second family! That's Jamie and Mom Tonya and then there is me. It was sooooo GGGRRRRRRRREAT to see them again.
Chris and I were about to walk out the door when in came Dad Donnie! So we talked for a few more minutes and then we left...seriously.
One more shot of Jamie and I. We used to take these all the time like this and usually I was always missing a tooth somewhere!...perhaps I'll scan in those in one day.
Grandma Rocks! The Girls and Grandma do a quick experiment to see if they can really combine Red, White and Blue liquids and not get purple!
The red is in and now it is time for the blue. The girls watch on in total curiosity. Rachel thinks it can't be done while Ashley is afraid she might be right...
...Grandma apparently does know what she is talking about. The blue is sitting nicely on top of the red.
It is hard to see but the white is actually sitting on top of the blue. I want to say it was lots of ice, Cranberry Juice, Gatorade and Gingerale or sprite.
The Next Day with Makenna!
I actually only got one photo this time! It was a quick stop as we were on our way home and hair cuts that morning in danville had taken a very long time. Here's our girl with TAD.
I just wanted to show everyone my Garfield!
I did not set this up. Our cat is so fat this is how she sits. And she'll sit stright up like that in the middle of the floor too. I can't get a picture of that because she moves when I get up for the camera. We are trying to get her on a diet and keep her on one but she always finds away to open the food container... or she meow's and drives us crazy to the point of giving in. Any one got any suggestions?
Supercross Pictures!
First, this is the new Stadium. Here is what the Lucas Oil Stadium looks like now.
Supercross was the last ticketed event at the RCA Dome...??? That is what the announcer kept saying, but I would think there are more events between now and August....but I have not taken any time to look. But, we are pretty sure it was our last ticketed event at the Dome so we got our last picture taken with the Dome Entrance at Gate One.
The National Anthem. Chris and I were the first to stand up in our section when they brought the flags out. I asked Chris after a few moments, "Aren't you supposed to stand up when the flag is presented?" Yes, you are... but...well...
Here is the WORLD CHAMPS BANNER! Too bad there was not one for 2007, but at least it belongs to another Manning. ;)
The lady behind us was nice enough to ask if we wanted her to the picture for us! We got a few goofy looking ones where I am holding the camera out. Chris brought his scanner so he could here the pit crews talking and he brought the radio so we could actually here the announcer during the race! I mean...if we're going to wear ear plugs anyways, we might as well here what's going on.
Monday, March 03, 2008
Wow, It's been awhile
So it has been awhile since our last post. School and work is crazy, luckily I got a few minutes to spare after studying this morning I can make a post...
At 4:30 this morning Chris and I got up and went to the train station. He is once again spending the week in Canada. He should be home saturday, when hopefully I will be meeting him there in Chicago and going ice skating. Chris is way prepared for his trip this time. He bought a retractable passport protector to wear, where he also stores his ID's for the flights. He has a "Secret Belt" that allows him to carry extra cash and credit cards incase he gets pick pocketed (???) or misplaces his carry on bag. He also gots a computer bag on roller wheels that has extra storage to hold a day's clothes incase luggage gets lost in flight. Chris hates to check luggage and managed last time not too but this time he just had too much with a few tools and extra warm clothes that he had to, so he is taking one of the huge blue rollies that we normally take on the train.
We went to Supercross on Saturday and had a blast! Our 6th row seats were really 2nd row seats and our view was awesome. We even had a major crash happen right in front of us...not good for the riders, but when the leader is 1/2 a track in front of the second place rider Supercross turns into Hockey...you only watch it for the fights, or in this case the crashes. We stayed at the Hampton Inn and Chris was exctied to see a couple of the riders had stayed there too...he saw them getting breakfast when he went to get his. Our favorite rider has been out with a knee injury so #7 was not there to defend his Indianapolis Championship he won last year and sadly, no other riders were able to come close to Chad Reed this year. As I mentioned before, he won by 1/2 the track length. Although he did design the track for this event so it was a bunch of turns and jumps that he likes and that he's good at. I think most of the riders had won on the tracks they designed themselves. After we got out to the car we saw Kristina had called, Dustin was there too so she was wondering if we seen him...nope. We got there at 4pm and I got up once and Chris got up once, so we didn't have much oppurtunity to see him. But i bet he had fun.
Last weekend I went to the Pampered Chef party at Jamie's house and had a great time. Chris enjoyed it also. We bought a cooking Stone, a chopper and some Jerk Rub. e also got some Caramel sprinkles free and a butter knife free and a sandwich bag sealing clip free. I got to demonstrate the chopper and after that, I was sold. We spent over 70 bucks but it was worth it and the drive to get to see the Hundley's again! I saw mom, dad, Jamie and her beau, Mike. Erica is in Texas in the Air Force and Danielle was out on date. Congrats Erica on the pregnancy and Congrats Tonya and Donnie on the grandbaby to come! Great to see you all again! Good luck in Lafayette Jamie and Mike.
After the party Chris and I went to my moms and had dinner then went to bed. Sunday we ate an early lunch then went to the mall. Chris bought a bunch of clothes from Steve and Barry's for $8.95 each and he got his hari cut at BoRics. Rachel also got her hair cut very short. I'll have to see how well she likes it now that it has been a week. Then we went to Champaign to have dinner with Brent, Amanda and Makenna. We ate some yummy Chinese food but not before we spent a few minutes just hanging around their house talking. It was a great, fun filled weekend.
We did manage to stop at the house in kokomo on our way to Indy. I got all my sweaters so I'll have them to wear to work now! We found the shingles have moved slightly on the roof with all the wind. So we will be back again shortly to replace those ones. Everything else is still just as we left it. Later Gators, I got to get ready for work.
At 4:30 this morning Chris and I got up and went to the train station. He is once again spending the week in Canada. He should be home saturday, when hopefully I will be meeting him there in Chicago and going ice skating. Chris is way prepared for his trip this time. He bought a retractable passport protector to wear, where he also stores his ID's for the flights. He has a "Secret Belt" that allows him to carry extra cash and credit cards incase he gets pick pocketed (???) or misplaces his carry on bag. He also gots a computer bag on roller wheels that has extra storage to hold a day's clothes incase luggage gets lost in flight. Chris hates to check luggage and managed last time not too but this time he just had too much with a few tools and extra warm clothes that he had to, so he is taking one of the huge blue rollies that we normally take on the train.
We went to Supercross on Saturday and had a blast! Our 6th row seats were really 2nd row seats and our view was awesome. We even had a major crash happen right in front of us...not good for the riders, but when the leader is 1/2 a track in front of the second place rider Supercross turns into Hockey...you only watch it for the fights, or in this case the crashes. We stayed at the Hampton Inn and Chris was exctied to see a couple of the riders had stayed there too...he saw them getting breakfast when he went to get his. Our favorite rider has been out with a knee injury so #7 was not there to defend his Indianapolis Championship he won last year and sadly, no other riders were able to come close to Chad Reed this year. As I mentioned before, he won by 1/2 the track length. Although he did design the track for this event so it was a bunch of turns and jumps that he likes and that he's good at. I think most of the riders had won on the tracks they designed themselves. After we got out to the car we saw Kristina had called, Dustin was there too so she was wondering if we seen him...nope. We got there at 4pm and I got up once and Chris got up once, so we didn't have much oppurtunity to see him. But i bet he had fun.
Last weekend I went to the Pampered Chef party at Jamie's house and had a great time. Chris enjoyed it also. We bought a cooking Stone, a chopper and some Jerk Rub. e also got some Caramel sprinkles free and a butter knife free and a sandwich bag sealing clip free. I got to demonstrate the chopper and after that, I was sold. We spent over 70 bucks but it was worth it and the drive to get to see the Hundley's again! I saw mom, dad, Jamie and her beau, Mike. Erica is in Texas in the Air Force and Danielle was out on date. Congrats Erica on the pregnancy and Congrats Tonya and Donnie on the grandbaby to come! Great to see you all again! Good luck in Lafayette Jamie and Mike.
After the party Chris and I went to my moms and had dinner then went to bed. Sunday we ate an early lunch then went to the mall. Chris bought a bunch of clothes from Steve and Barry's for $8.95 each and he got his hari cut at BoRics. Rachel also got her hair cut very short. I'll have to see how well she likes it now that it has been a week. Then we went to Champaign to have dinner with Brent, Amanda and Makenna. We ate some yummy Chinese food but not before we spent a few minutes just hanging around their house talking. It was a great, fun filled weekend.
We did manage to stop at the house in kokomo on our way to Indy. I got all my sweaters so I'll have them to wear to work now! We found the shingles have moved slightly on the roof with all the wind. So we will be back again shortly to replace those ones. Everything else is still just as we left it. Later Gators, I got to get ready for work.
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